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(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 1'')
* '''Karlach''': Couldn't find you for a while at the party. Was hoping we could regale our friends with a nice three-horned duet.
* '''Wyll''': Ah, I just needed a moment of quiet, to think, that's all.
* '''Karlach''': What about?
* '''Wyll''': Wouldn't you like to know?
* '''Karlach''': Well yeah! One thing I'll say for the Hells, the gossip is excellent. Faerûn's a funeral parlour by comparison.<hr>(''If Karlach is romanced by Act 1'')
* '''Wyll''': Did Zariel know you'd be unable to touch anyone when she crammed that awful thing into your chest?
* '''Karlach''': Thing is, I can touch devils and the like, back in Avernus. I never did, cause I'm not a masochist. But I could have.
* '''Wyll''': Gods. I'm glad you got out of there.
* '''Karlach''': With my new best friend on my tail the whole time. Who knew.<hr>(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 2'')
* '''Karlach''': Used to your new look yet, Wyll? I for one think you look smashing.
* '''Wyll''': You know, I think I am. It certainly didn't put off my - er- dance partner.
* '''Karlach''': Ah, dance, the true language of love.<hr>(If [[Last Light Inn]] was protected)
* '''Karlach''': Think the bar is open?
* '''Wyll''': I intend to find out. But we should scout around first, see who's in need of help.
* '''Karlach''': You're good at staying in character, I'll give you that.<hr>(If Karlach is romanced by Act 2)
* '''Wyll''': Karlach... I know I say this every day, but I'm so glad you're here.
* '''Karlach''': Me too
* '''Wyll''': And seeing you've got someone to care about now, after ten bloody years, what would you say? 'Good for you, mate.'?
* '''Karlach''': Exactly so, your majesty.<hr>(At [[Reithwin Graveyard]])
* '''Karlach''': Do I hear... music?
* '''Wyll''': I reckon there wasn't much merry-making in the Hells.
* '''Karlach''': You reckon right. Maybe for the best though. My singing is worse than demonic screeching.
* '''Wyll''': Hm - perhaps your talent lies in dancing, instead?<hr>(At [[Grand Mausoleum]])
* '''Karlach''': No shadow curse here. Wonder why.
* '''Wyll''': Couldn't say. Maybe because an entirely different curse has befallen the tomb.
* '''Karlach''': Always something, isn't it.<hr>(At [[Shar temple]])
* '''Karlach''': You know, even devils like a good joke. Why are Sharrans so... dour?
* '''Wyll''': Their belief is grounded in loss. Hardly a laughing matter.
* '''Karlach''': The loss of all joy. Sad business.<hr>(At [[Rivington]])
* '''Karlach''': Care for a dip, Wyll?
* '''Wyll''': It would be my pleasure, Karlach - once the Absolute's been crushed for good.
* '''Karlach''': Heroics don't leave half enough time for messing.<hr>(''If Karlach is romanced by Act 3'')
* '''Wyll''': The fact one of your first dates is going to be one of your last... it's just not fair, Karlach.
* '''Karlach''': I don't want to think about that. I just want to enjoy whatever comes my way.
* '''Wyll''': You're worth more respect than every last rogue in this city. I hope you know that.<hr>(At The South Docks)
* '''Wyll''': Smell that, Karlach?
* '''Karlach''': Uh... fish?
* '''Wyll''': Well, yes. But also trouble.
* '''Karlach''': Your nose is better than mine, pal.<hr>(At [[The Counting House]])
* '''Karlach''': Feel that? Guards are giving us the stink-eye.
* '''Karlach''': Think they recognise you?
* '''Wyll''': Possibly. But I wager there's something deeper at work here.
* '''Karlach''': Then let's go digging.<hr>(''If Wyll is romanced by Act 3'')
* '''Karlach''': Seeing you happy is pretty wonderful, Wyll.
* '''Karlach''': Two of my real friends, finding real happiness? Together? Beautiful.
* '''Wyll''': Thank you, Karlach.
* '''Karlach''': If you get married, I'm your celebrant. Got it?
* '''Wyll''': As if could ever refuse you.
