[[File:Action Song OldTimeBattles.png|right|frameless]]
'''Perform Old Time Battles''' is an [[Perform]] action that allows the user to play the song Old Time Battles.
| summary = '''Perform 'Old Time Battles'''' is a free action that allows the user to play the song 'Of Divinity and Sin' using their equipped [[Instrument]].
| description = Play a rousing battle-chant to attract and delight those around you.
The user will play their equipped [[instrument]], if no instrument is equipped, the user will [[whistle]].
| image = Perform 'Old Time Battles'.webp
| controller icon = Perform 'Old Time Battles' Icon.webp
Requires the skill [[Performance]].
| icon = Perform 'Old Time Battles' Unfaded Icon.webp
| range = self
| condition = Performing 'Old Time Battles'
Play a rousing battle-chant to attract and delight those around you.
| condition2 = Poor Performance
| other ways to learn =
| notes = * If the performer has Music Instrument proficiency, they will perform the song. The performer will make a [[Charisma]] [[Performance]] check. If this check is succeeded any characters who gathered to hear the performance will toss a gold coin when it ends.
* If the performer does not have Music Instrument proficiency, they will receive the 'Poor Performance' condition instead.
Maybe you'd better stop, before anyone starts throwing rocks.
How to learn
(Information not yet added.)
If the performer has Music Instrument proficiency, they will perform the song. The performer will make a CharismaPerformance check. If this check is succeeded any characters who gathered to hear the performance will toss a gold coin when it ends.
If the performer does not have Music Instrument proficiency, they will receive the 'Poor Performance' condition instead.