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< User:MetalPlateMage
Revision as of 03:33, 6 September 2023 by MetalPlateMage (talk | contribs)
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This is a page to transclude to generate action pages. It is generally for pages that do not fit the {{SpellPage}} Template


| type = 
| summary =
| description =
| image =
| cost =
| concentration =
| damage =
| damage2 =
| recharge =
| duration =
| save =
| range =
| range m = 
| range ft = 
| aoe =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| condition =
| condition duration = 
| condition save = 
| additional = 
| higherlevels =
| X learns at level X =
| notes =

The following is a table to further explain what each parameter takes, and how to use them.

Parameter Name Description Usage
type Type of page. This is used for categorization. Current types:
  • none: No categories or specific magic will happen
  • racial: Racial action/passive
  • class (or type is blank): Class action/passive
type = classaction
summary The summary of the action. This will be used as the wiki's description as well as the SEO text. summary = Lorem Ipsum
description The in-game description of the action. This description is NOT for SEO 'See: summary'. description = Lorem ipsum
image The image that will be used in the page's SEO and be the page's main image.
image = Wiki_Link_To_Image_Here
cost The resource cost of the action. Format is {Resource}:{Amount}, {"action" if action etc.}. Resource types:
  • Arcane Recovery: barins
  • Channel Divinity: chadiv
  • Channel Oath: chaoat
  • Ki: ki
  • Lay On Hands: layonh
  • Natural Recovery: natrec
  • Rage: rage
  • Superiority Die: supdie
  • War Priest: warpri
  • Wild Shape: wldshp
concentration If this skill is a concentration, type something here. Can be any value you want. Otherwise, leave it blank or delete the field entirely. concentration = This action is a concentration!


damage The damage of the action.
  • amount: amount in number or die like 1d8
  • amounttext: if your amount is text instead of a number or die you need to do this instead
  • type: damage type, i.e. Healing
damage2 The secondary damage of the action. Will be output as damage + damage2. Same params as damage.
recharge If this skill recharges at a certain point recharge = Until Long Rest
duration Duration in turns
save Stat used for saving
range m
range ft
range of the skill. Either m+ft or range are required, but not both at the same time. See SpellPage.
aoe m
aoe ft
AOE. All are required. aoe is the shape, m meters, ft feet.
condition duration
condition save
includes CONDITION (Condition). Duration is how many turns it lasts. Save is the stat for it.
additional Any additional properties that are not covered by template go here additional = { { Attack Roll } }


higherlevels If the skills changes at higher levels, put info about that here
X learns at level X Which class/race/feat learns this class learns at level 3 = Monk

race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf

notes Any notes about the skill. This goes in its own bottom section.


| type = none
| description = abc
| image = Fly Icon.png
| summary = fly you fools
| cost = ki:2, action
| damage = amounttext: 1d4+1, type:Bludgeoning
| damage2 = amount: 1d6, type: Fire
| recharge = Long Rest
| range = melee
| duration = LR
| save = DEX, abc
| additional = abcd
| condition = Flight
| condition duration = 1
| higherlevels = go far
| notes = * bar
| class learns at level 3 = Monk
| race learns at level 5 = Wood Elf
Fly Icon.png

fly you fools




1d4+1 Damage TypesBludgeoning +
D6 Fire.png 1d6 (1~6) Damage TypesFire

Recharge: Long rest
Duration: LR turns
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
DexterityDEX Save (On Save: abc)

At Higher Levels

go far

Condition: Flight

Flight Flight

Duration: 1 turn

  • Fly up to target position, up to 18 m / 60 ft each turn using your Movement Speed.

How to Learn


  • Class Level 3: Monk Monk


(Character Level is the sum of all Class Levels for a multi-classed character.)


  • bar