Cloud of Daggers is a level 2 conjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to conjure a barrage of daggers in an area that deal Slashing damage to any creature entering or starting their turn in the area.
Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that lasts for 10 turns. Anyone inside the whirlwind takes 4d4 Slashing damage
each turn.
- Damage
4d4 (4~16)
- Details
Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Creates Area: Cloud of Daggers
At higher levels
When the spell is cast at 3rd Level or higher, the spell's damage increases by an extra2d4 Slashing damage
for each spell slot level above 2nd. Area: Cloud of Daggers

Duration: 10 turns
AoE: 2 m / 7 ft (Radius)
Type: Summoned
Condition: Cloud of Daggers
How to learn
(Information not yet added.)