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Revision as of 04:42, 15 May 2023 by Aldwin (talk | contribs) (Updated description to patch 9 version)
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Silence is a Level 2 Illusion Spell. This spell allows spellcasters to summon a spehere of absolute quietness in an area within range. Creatures within this sphere are immune to Thunder damage and cannot cast verbal spells.

File:Silence Icon 2.png
"Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and immune to Thunder damage.

Action Icon.png Action Spell Slot Icon.png Level 2 Spell Slot

Range 18m / 60ft
Area of Effect 6m / 20ft (Radius)
School Illusion
Concentration Required
Condition Silence Aura
Duration Until Long Rest
Class Bard, Cleric, Ranger


Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced and immune to Thunder damage.


Action Icon.png Action + Spell Slot Icon.png Level 2 Spell Slot

Available to level 3 Bard, Cleric and level 5 Ranger.

  • Using this spell might turn targets hostile.
  • Range: Range Icon 2.png 18m / 60ft
  • Area of Effect: Aoe Icon.png 6m / 20ft (Radius)
  • Concentration: Concentration Icons.png Required