Parchment from Sazza is a miscellaneous note found in the Epilogue.

A plain, unadorned note.
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.05 kg / 0.1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
Within the Chest of Grateful Words in the Epilogue if Sazza is saved all three times and escapes into the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Praise the Absolute an' all that. It's yer bestest pal Sazza. Not sure what happened after we got sep'rated out at Moonrise but I'm shoor everyfing is goin' just like it shud.
I musta got turned around in the shadows because I haven't found anuvver true soul or follower of the Absolute for a while now. Last tribe of goblins I met looked at me all funny when I trued to convert 'em and then one of 'em but an arrow in my backside.
I ain't lost my faith though. Any day now, the good times are comin' for ol' Sazza.
Psst I av been captivated and put in a smaall cage by ornery cat people who scratched up my face all nasty like. I am shoor you can find me, yer a true soul after all and the Absolute will put a map in yer noggin so you caan come resuce me.
- The "Cat people" who have captured Sazza are likely a reference to the