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Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage

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Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage is a variant of the Level 3 Necromancy Spell, Bestow Curse. This spell allows spellcasters to curse a target, causing it to suffer Disadvantage on Charisma Checks and Saving Throws.
"Curse a creature with your touch. It suffers Disadvantage on Charisma Checks and Saving Throws."

Range 1.5m / 5ft
School Necromancy
Saving Throw Wisdom
Concentration Required
Condition Cursed: Charisma Disadvantage
Duration 10 turns
Class Bard, Cleric, Wizard


Curse a creature with your touch. It suffers Disadvantage on Charisma Checks and Saving Throws.


File:Actions Icons.png Action + File:Spell Icon.png Level 3 Spell Slot

Available to level 3 Bard, Cleric, and Wizard.

  • Range: Range Icons.png 1.5m / 5ft
  • Saving Throw: Saving Throw Icons.png Wisdom
  • Concentration: Concentration Icons.png Required