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Wild Magic: Dark Tendrils (Condition)
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Revision as of 20:08, 20 September 2023 by HiddenDragon(talk | contribs)(Created page with "{{ConditionPage | icon = Wild Magic Dark Tendrils Icon.png | effects = * Each creature within {{Distance|m=9|ft=30}} of you must succeed a {{SavingThrow|CON}} or take {{DamageText | 1d12 | Necrotic}} damage. Additionally, you gain {{DamageIcon|Healing}}{{DamageColor|Healing|1d12 Temporary Hit Points}}. * The DC is based off your Charisma modifier }} {{BarbarianNavbox}}")
Each creature within 9 m / 30 ft of you must succeed a Constitutionsaving throw or take 1d12 Necrotic damage. Additionally, you gain 1d12 Temporary Hit Points.