Involvement[edit | edit source]
Before the ceremony he sits among other patriars on the pews in central nave of the Audience Hall.
After the ceremony ends, Lord Myer moves to the southern nave of the Audience Hall and stands at the middle table with refreshments. He discusses with Lord Raylen Jannath the advantages of the Steel Watch as a new level of the city defences, trying to assure Jannath that if the city is not overrun with refugees, there will be enough supplies to stand any siege. If spoken to, he expresses surety that nothing will harm them (i.e. patriars) behind the city walls.
If choosing to confront Gortash, the party can find Lord Ravenshade along with all other invited guests and their retinue slaughtered in the Audience hall.
External links[edit | edit source]
Ravenshade on the Forgotten Realms Wiki