You peer through time itself and can sculpt the future, like temporal clay, into a more favourable form.Divination School is one of the Subclasses of Wizard.
Subclass Features
Level 2
- Divination Savant: Halves the cost to learn Divination spells from Spell Scrolls. Learning these spells will only cost
per spell level. Portent: Your dreams grant you glimpses that let you influence the future. After each Long Rest you gain two random Portent Dice. During the day, you can use your reaction to change the die of any Attack Roll or Saving Throw rolled within
18m / 60ft you to one of your Portent Dice. Each Portent Die can only be used once, and you lose your unused Portent Dice at the end of the day.
Level 6
Expert Divination: You have an extra Portent Die and you regain any spent Portent Dice after a Short Rest.
Level 10
Third Eye: Darkvision: You gain the ability to see in the dark out to
18m / 60ft akin to Superior Darkvision.
Third Eye: See Invisibility: Once per long rest, use an action to gain the ability to see Invisible objects and creatures within
9m / 30ft of you while not Incapacitated. Creatures within range which fail on a saving throw are revealed to others.