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Sarevok Anchev/Combat

< Sarevok Anchev
Revision as of 17:20, 1 October 2023 by ArcaneFocus (talk | contribs) (Page Add. Drafting in progress while "Daisy the Bard" campaign is fighting this character.)
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This page focuses on Sarevok Anchev's behavior during combat encounters.

This page is a list of information, rather than a guide. Please refer to separate pages for full combat guides.

Spells and Abilities


  • Jump
  • Opportunity Attack
  • Main Hand Attack

Notable or Unique

Deathbringer's Legacy

  • Sarevok must have 4 stacks of the Condition "Murderous Strikes" to use this ability.
  • When he casts this ability, Sarevok gains 1 stack of the condition also named "Deathbringer's Legacy."



The following conditions uniquely appear on Sarevok during certain stages of combat with him.

Murderous Strikes:

  • This is a stacking condition. Sarevok gains 1 stack when he successfully deals damage to another character in Melee range.
  • Description reads: "After performing four attacks, Sarevok will have embodied Bhaal enough to use Deathbringer Assault."
  • This condition and all stacks are cleared when Sarevok gains the condition "Deathbringer's Legacy."

Deathbringer's Legacy

  • Sarevok gains this condition for 1 turn, after reaching 4 stacks of Murderous Strikes.
  • Description reads: "Sarevok is able to use Deathbringer Assault until the end of his next turn."


Immunities include Conditions that, according to in-game UI messages, cannot be afflicted onto this character. Conditions that are not explicit "Immune to" messages can still go in this section, but please provide more detail about what combat actions are prevented.

Sarevok cannot be affected by any or all of the following Conditions:


Vulnerabilities include specific named Conditions that can be afflicted onto this character, even if the chance of successfully afflicting this condition on the character is really, really low.

Sarevok can be affected by all of the following Conditions:

  • Sluggardly


Page drafting note - names are shorthand while I stub out the other critical parts of this page. Goal is to include enough information about what these summons affect in Sarevok's combat abilities.

Summons that assist Sarevok have different condition immunities and vulnerabilities than Sarevok himself.

  • echo A - Casts Warding Bond and Sanctuary on Sarevok
  • echo I - Casts haste
  • echo S - Casts slow on party

all 3 of them have permanent buffs to sarevok if they die before him.