Avenge the Drowned is a quest in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be started by speaking with Allandra Grey in the Lower City.
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
Holli's Funeral[edit | edit source]
Upon entering the Water Queen's House, the party is stopped by Untaken Diomira Trellis, who asks if they are there for the funeral. She states that all are welcome to celebrate the life of the waveservant Holli Dylford, who died while swimming in Grey Harbour. Moving further into the temple, a group of waveservants are singing around Holli's corpse X: -229 Y: -261 while Allandra Grey, the Flood Tide of the temple, gives last rites.
Speaking to Allandra, she explains more on how Holli died, and asks the party what they have brought to the funeral. The party can say they have brought prayers, their sword to avenge Holli, or gold. Afterward, Allandra seeks the party's help in finding Holli's killer. She has little information other than the general location of Holli's death and the appearance of "black blood".
Holli's corpse can be spoken to with , although her answers are somewhat limited:
- Who are you? Holli...Dylford...I serve...Umberlee...
- What happened to you? I was...swimming...I was...attacked...
- Do you remember what happened before you were attacked? Just...black blood...everywhere...
- What killed you? Metal...monster...
- Tell me about this metal monster. Big...fast...hit my head...everything went...black...
- Where were you attacked? I was...swimming...in Grey Harbour...
Questioning the Fishermen[edit | edit source]
Within Grey Harbour, the party can find fishermen that witnessed Holli's death. Gowlan and Fleer X: -213 Y: -155 are on the docks north of the Water Queen's House right beside the Grey Harbour Docks waypoint. Speaking to Gowlan reveals where the source of Holli's death came from:
- Oil? This isn't black blood?
- Have you tried vinegar?
- I'm sure it'll come out eventually.
- Where did all this stuff come from anyway?
Selecting the first option, Gowlan states the party has spent too much time with the waveservants.
- I'm looking into the death of a waveservant - do you know anything about it?
- Where did all this stuff come from anyway?
- Why are there so many dead fish floating in the harbour?
- Is your boat all right?
Selecting the first option again, and Gowlan provides valuable information on Holli's death. He saw something in the water that seemed to approach Flymm Cargo.
Flymm Cargo[edit | edit source]
Flymm Cargo is further along the docks. The double metal doors X: -169 Y: -150 can be lockpicked (DC 20), and cause several Worgs within to attack. After defeating them, there is little else in the building that seems to have killed Holli. However, there is a basement entrance X: -164 Y: -141. The entrance is covered by various trunks and crates that must be moved or destroyed to access it.
Deep within the basement of Flymm Cargo and past the machine parts storage room, there is an area with a single Dwarf, near a submersible. In the corner of the room is Redhammer's Journal X: -1021 Y: 294 which can further explain his motivations and involvement in the goings on of Flymm Cargo.
Confronting Redhammer[edit | edit source]
Finally, the party can speak with Redhammer to get to the bottom of what happened. After he asks the party what they're doing here, the party can accuse him of killing one of the servants of Umberlee:
- You killed one of those servants of Umberlee. Now they want you dead.
- It seems you and 'Cap' killed a servant of Umberlee on one of your latest runs. Now they want you dead.
Redhammer will ask the party if they're here to make good on it, in which case they can respond:
- I'll make you a deal - take me to the Iron Throne, and I'll protect you from Umberlee's servants.
- If you take me to the Iron Throne, I could 'forget' I saw you.
- You're going to take me to the Iron Throne - I'm getting the prisoners out.
- You're as guilty as the people who imprisoned the Gondians.
- You killed someone. You need to face justice.
If the first three options are chosen, Redhammer takes the party to the Iron Throne. Otherwise, he becomes hostile. If he is killed, the party can still pilot the submersible to the Iron Throne themselves by interacting with the top hatch.
Waveservants, led by Allandra Grey, arrive if the party chooses to go to the Iron Throne with Redhammer. They demand he come with them to seek justice. The party can either give him to them or face a fight with all the waveservants by refusing to let him be executed. Siding with Redhammer means losing out on the Wavemother's Robe given by Allandra, however, she can be killed and looted for the
Wavemother's Sickle, a rare weapon.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Wavemother's Robe - if siding with the Umberlees and killing Redhammer or handing him to them.
- If siding with Redhammer, he grants the party 332 gold.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- This quest intersects heavily with and . It is recommended to pick this quest up before finishing them, as Allandra may not offer it at all if the player has rescued the Gondians from the Iron Throne.
- It is possible to receive both Wavemother's Robe and
Wavemother's Sickle by surrendering Redhammer to the Umberlees, and then as soon as the Umberlees start to walk away, attack them. This will turn the Umberlees hostile and Redhammer will fight as an ally.
- If Gortash is defeated before completing this quest, Redhammer will flee the city with the submersible, leaving the Iron Throne and all inhabitants to perish.
Bugs[edit | edit source]
- If Redhammer is handed over to the Umberlees the quest will be completed by saying that he was surrendered. However it won't be updated to reflect the new state of affairs if the party attacks and kills the Umberlees afterwards. By doing the above, Redhammer's monetary reward is not granted despite him saying so.