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Exciting News!

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Exciting News! image

Exciting News! is a note found on Nightmist's body detailing the good news for Justiciar Crusader Owltalon

Description Icon.png

A plain, unadorned note.


  • Notes
  • Author: Nightmist Nightmist
  • Rarity: Common
  •  Weight: .05 kg / 0.1 lb
  • Price: 14 gp

Where to find

Found on the body of Justiciar Crusader Nightmist.


Owltalon! The Mother Superior has approved me for Applied Poisons and Paralysis training! I'm so proud. Your little Nightmist is going to be a Certified Venom Specialist for the Dark Lady. That will also qualify me to study the basics of Sudden Esophageal Collapse. What fun!