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<div style="float:right; padding:20px;">
| title = Jaheira's Banter
| description = A collection of Jaheira's remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.
| image = Portrait Jaheira.png
{{Party interactions}}
{{Companion tab}}
A collection of [[Jaheira]]'s remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.
A collection of [[Jaheira]]'s remarks and overhead conversations with other characters.

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== Remarks ==
== Remarks ==
<div style="column-count:2">
* Work to be done.<ref name="BG1-2">These lines are direct references to [https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Jaheira/Quotes the same lines] she had in previous Baldur's Gate games. Some of they are word for word, the others slightly differ but are spoke in the same manner.</ref>
* At your command.<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* Yes?<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* This ought to be good.
* Nature's servant awaits.<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* Whatever it takes.
* Such ''authority''...
* Always nice to be wanted.
* Do what must be done.
* How high?
* Mm?
* Call, and I answer.
* Ready and waiting. Well, certainly waiting.
* The work is never done.
* Wherever we go, ye gods let there be something green.
* Let me guess - you need something.
* Let us show them how it's done.
* Watch your elders and learn.
====Selected (in combat)====
<div style="column-count:2">
* Ready.<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* For the fallen.<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* Do you know, I think we have given offence.
* No better moment.
* Red in tooth and claw.
* Consider my hackles raised.
* Orders?
* Onward.
* Still standing, no matter what you heard.
* You have still have time to surrender.
* Always the same old song.
* And I thought we were going to be friends.
* Death greets us all - but not today.
* Naught but another harvest.
* What must be done.
* This is the easy part.
* War is an old woman's game.
* I think I could go another round.
====Selected (sneaking)====
<div style="column-count:2">
* Best not to draw attention.
* Ask, then - but ''quietly''.
* Steps light as falling leaves...
* ''Speak. Up.''
* ''Ssssshhh.''
* Turn your gaze, lest I turn it for you...
* Work to be done.
* Nature's servant awaits.<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* Always nice to be wanted.
* Swiftly, if you please. These knees do not bend easily.
* Nature's servant, still waiting.
* Oh my, you found me.
* Did I snap a twig, or a toe?
* Another step on the path.
* Yes?<ref name="BG1-2"/>
* Ever-ready.
* Only ask.
* Always more to be done.
====Selection spam====
* Oh, calm down. I'm happy to see you too.
* I would poke you back, but I fear that's what you want.
* My, such strong wrists.
* Well you certainly have the 'omnipresent' part down, don't you?
* Please go poke the ranger instead.
====Selection spam (in combat)====
* You have my attention - now do something with it.
* What? What do you want!?
* Do you know, I begin to wish they had never brought me back.
* Yes, yes, have your fun. It isn't you they're trying to kill.
====Selection spam (sneaking)====
* Dry those sweaty palms and let us try this again, shall we?
* Argh, my knees! Oh. It was a twig.
* Would that I could hide from you, too.
* Careful, or I will take your toy away from you.
<div style="column-count:2">
* No rest, be you wicked ''or'' wise.
* At your command.
* I go where I'm told...
* Going, going.
* Lead the way.
* Just a little further.
* Always another step to go.
* Oakfather ease the road.
* Someday, I will sit down.
* Work to be done.
* Saer, yes saer.
* Someday, I will sit down. I mean it.
* Haven't sprouted roots just yet.
* Shake off the dust.
* There.
* Moving.
* A little further.
* Still some way to go.
* Onward.
* Boots worn through.
* On my way.
* Go.
====Moving (in combat)====
<div style="column-count:2">
* Blades bared.
* Into battle.
* The straight path.
* On the hunt.
* Enough circling.
* No rest, be you wicked or wise.
* I can still move fast, when I need to.
* I go hunting.
* Quickly.
* Understood.
* Stalking.
* Oakfather, ease my way.
* Into position.
* By your command.
* Bring me into battle.
* Forward.
* Not pinned down just yet.
====Moving (sneaking)====
<div style="column-count:2">
* On the trail.
* Stalking.
* Be we predator or prey?
* No rest, be you wicked ''or'' wise.
* As I'm told.
* Cannot always go in plain sight.
* Quietly as I can.
* Lest my old bones creak.
* Going.
* Hunting.
* None shall see.
* Aye.
<div style="column-count:2">
* Unseen.
* Silvanus soften my steps.
* Pay me no mind...
* No one hides like a Harper.
* Eyes to yourselves.
* Quick and quiet.
====Hiding (in combat)====
<div style="column-count:2">
* Take them unawares.
* A moment to plan.
* Silvanus soften my steps.
* Watch for the hidden hand.
* Out of sight.
* Cast your arrows elsewhere...
* No one hides like a Harper.
* Be a dear and look elsewhere, would you?
====At low health====
* Agh! I think... this one is slowing me down...
* A rest... a potion... and all... will be well...
* Healing, cub. Lest I sit down for a rest and not rise again.
====Can't fit in a small hole====
* Even in my youth, I was not quite so slight as ''this''.
====Can't fit in a tiny hole====
* No way through - in this form, at least.
====Can't use an item====
* Can't be done now.
====Can't use an item while in combat====
* Later!
* Perhaps when we are ''not'' fighting for our lives, hm?
* Hands a little full here.
* We have slightly more pressing matters to attend to.
====Finding a locked item====
* Nothing. There must be another way to unseal it.
* Can't be opened - not from here, at least.
* Sealed. Best look around for a way to open it.
* No movement. Perhaps we must unlock it somewhere else?
====Looking at a globe====
* So many places to be... and I chose Baldur's Gate.
====Looking at an astrolabe====
* Planets beyond our own, and planes beyond those. I have headaches enough on this little patch of earth, thank you.
====Looking into a mirror====
* I can fawn over my face later.
* What good all this ethereal eladrin blood if I can still get pimples?
* This body can take a little more punishment yet.
====Looking into a telescope====
* As if there were not dark and light enough down here to gaze at.
====Surprised by mimic====
* Must we beat every stick of furniture into submission?
* At least you had the decency not to disguise yourself as a tree.
====After a Short Rest====
* Enough to keep us going, for now.
* *Grunt.*
* Agh. Is it the earth beneath that crunches, or the bones within?
* Come, laggards. There is still enough to be done this day.
====On character death====
* Up! Your work is not done!
'''Player (Dark Urge):'''
* No!
* Lae'zel! No - this is not where you fall, child of Gith.
* Shadowheart! Don't you dare die here.
* Karlach - no! Not yet!
* Gale - no!
* No! Up, Wyll - you've taken worse wounds than this!
* Stand, drow!
* No, you great big fool - no!
* Astarion - get up!
* Rise, archdruid - your work is not done!

=== Successfully finding a hidden object, door, etc. ===
====Throwing Scratch's ball after he is dismissed====
* ""

=== Looking in a mirror ===
* Would you prefer I wild-shape and fight you for it?
* "I can fawn over my face later."
* Take your rest then, Scratch. Eldath knows you've probably earned it more than us.
* "This body can take a little more punishment yet."
* Lazy pup. Must I fetch it myself?
* "What good all this ethereal eladrin blood if I can still get pimples?"
* Well, Scratch? Do you scratch yourself somewhere?
==== Throwing Scratchs' ball after his death ====
* You deserved better, boy.
* Gods, but you'd miss the fuss. the noise. Gods above, even the smell.
* Pointless, without a pup to chase it.
* Enough. This isn't helping anyone.

=== Finding a locked item ===
==== Throwing Boo ====
* ""
* Go on, Boo - we both know you like me better anyway!
* Eyes, et cetera - you know what to do.

== Location Remarks ==
== Location Remarks ==
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== Party Banter ==
== Party Banter ==
=== {{Banter|Astarion}} ===
(In the North Alleys)
* '''Jaheira''': Never mind the shining squares - I am more comfortable on streets such as this. A peek at the true face behind the mask.
* '''Astarion''': Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
* '''Jaheira''': I said a peek behind the city's mask, Astarion - not a look up its skirts.
* '''Astarion''': Jaheira! What do you think of me?
(In the Lower City)
* '''Astarion''': Cazazdor always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though.
* '''Jaheira''': The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth.
* '''Astarion''': Ah. Yes, that was probably it.
(In the Lower City)
* '''Astarion''': Beyond that gate is the Upper City, housing the great and the good of Baldur's Gate.
* '''Jaheira''': You yearn for a better class of company, Astarion?
* '''Astarion''': Gods no - who'd want to spend time with anyone great or good?
(''If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion stayed a spawn'')
* '''Jaheira''': I am glad it is your non-vampiric charms our friend has fallen for, Astarion. It is, isn't it?
* '''Astarion''': Of course! Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
* '''Astarion''': If you insist on prying, perhaps you'd care to join us and see how much we enjoy one another?
* '''Jaheira''': Why? Do you require some instruction on how the deed is done?
* '''Astarion''': I'm sure even I could learn some new tricks from an old veteran such as yourself.
(''If the player is romancing Astarion, and Astarion became an ascendant'')
* '''Jaheira''': You consumed all the spawn in your service, lord Astarion. You shall have to fend for yourself a while.
* '''Astarion''': Oh, I've never had trouble attracting foolish, pretty people.
* '''Jaheira''': Nor did Cazador, it seems.
* '''Astarion''': Jaheira! ... You think I'm pretty?

=== Jaheira and Astarion ===
=== {{Banter|Gale}} ===
(At [[Bhaal Temple]])
* '''Gale''': Gods, who knew such a vile abcess lurked in the bedrock of the city. The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
* '''Jaheira''': A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
* '''Gale''': Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.
(''If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene'')
* '''Jaheira''': So you wish to be a god, Gale? You know the wizard Irenicus attempted the same thing, by leeching divine blood from a Bhaalspawn.
* '''Gale''': Aha, transfusion! An interesting strategy. Hard to get hold of a god's blood, of course, but if one could...
* '''Jaheira''': He managed it. After murdering my husband, and torturing my friends and I for half a year.
* '''Gale''': Did I say interesting? I meant terrible, of course. A terrible strategy...

=== Jaheira and Gale ===
=== {{Banter|Karlach}} ===  
(At [[Steel Watch Foundry]])
* '''Karlach''': These Steel Watchers are big as hell.
* '''Jaheira''': All the more cracks and crevices for a wild-shape to ferret into - gum up the works a little.
* '''Karlach''': I'd give my other horn to watch that.
(At [[Bonecloak's Basement]])
* '''Karlach''': So, erm, Jaheira. Do you like to... that is, what do you like to do?
* '''Jaheira''': As in... hobbies? Oh. Well... I like to play music, I suppose?
* '''Karlach''': I'm just picturing you strumming on a harp so hard the strings snap and trying not to shriek. What do you play?
* '''Jaheira''': Eh. Mostly the same children's rhyme, on a battered whistle of tin. I do not get a lot of time to practise.
* '''Jaheira''': Oh spare me the sad eyes, girl!  Not every daily deed is worthy of song! Certainly none I can play.
(At [[Water Queen's House]])
* '''Karlach''': This place is so peaceful. Maybe I should convert.
* '''Jaheira''': I've done my share of praying to her, though not for the cause of peace. My faith was suddenly found on choppy seas.
* '''Karlach''': I don't know what that means.
(''If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 3 romance scene'')
* '''Jaheira''': You've a love-struck look about you, Karlach. Just do not let it distract you from the task ahead.
* '''Karlach''': But what if I really enjoy being distracted from the task ahead?
* '''Jaheira''': Bah, where is the barbarian rage? I have been learning so many colourful phrases from you, I was hoping to inspire a few more.
* '''Karlach''': Ma'am, you've been inspiring me since I was yea high.

=== Jaheira and Karlach ===  
=== {{Banter|Lae'zel}} ===
(At [[Grey Harbour Docks]])
* '''Jaheira''': Ugh. I have no love for the sea, but the city would not be what it is without these ships. That lends them a kind of beauty, I suppose.
* '''Lae'zel''': Indeed. There is no more impressive sight than a githyanki spelljammer with its astral sails unfurled.
* '''Jaheira''': A sweeter sight still, the world those ships might make if you plied them between the planes. Interplanar learning, trade...
* '''Lae'zel''': Trade? Why stoop to barter when you have the power to take what you need?
(''If the player is romancing Lae'zel; after act 3 romance scene'')
* '''Jaheira''': Lae'zel. My brief time on the Astral Plane left quite the impression. You must miss it dearly.
* '''Lae'zel''': I don't hail from the Astral, Jaheira. My glimpse was as brief as yours, before we were cast back to the Material.
* '''Lae'zel''': If only I might have remained there. Oh, to soar the skies above Tu'narath atop a red dragon...

=== Jaheira and Lae'zel ===
=== {{Banter|Shadowheart}} ===
(''While south of [[Wyrm's Crossing]]'')
* '''Jaheira''': Wyrm's Crossing. This place has been a haven, when Harpers were less than welcome in the city proper.
=== Jaheira and Shadowheart ===
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': It is always wise to have another redoubt, another escape route. Though I assumed your lot's antics would have secured you the love of the masses.
(''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
* '''Jaheira''': Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd.
* '''Jaheira''': Tell me, Shadowheart - how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
* '''Shadowheart''': Lady Shar's children toil similarly... but we know there is no need to seek the favour of others. Our lady's love is all we need.
* '''Shadowheart''': A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Jaheira''': So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.
* '''Shadowheart''': Seems hard to imagine your efforts haven't always been appreciated.
* '''Shadowheart''': Time shall tell. At the very least, I can learn from her mistakes.
* '''Jaheira''': Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd.
* '''Shadowheart''': Hmph, sounds familiar.
(At [[Morphic Pool]])
* '''Jaheira''': And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
* '''Shadowheart''': You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
* '''Jaheira''': Not at all - Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
(''If Shadowheart is still loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then - they do say imitation is a form of flattery.
(''If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Sounds much like the Sharrans - hopefully that's where the similarities end.
(''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Selune'')
* '''Jaheira''': Shadowheart. You should know - Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
* '''Jaheira''': Shadowheart. You should know - Viconia was not half so heartless as she liked to appear.
* '''Shadowheart''': I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
* '''Shadowheart''': I knew her well enough. You might have travelled with her for a time, but she trained me. What's your point?
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* '''Shadowheart''': ... but who knows. Perhaps someone else made her that way, as she tried to do to me.
* '''Shadowheart''': ... but who knows. Perhaps someone else made her that way, as she tried to do to me.
(At [[Wyrm's Crossing]])
(''If the player is romancing Shadowheart, and Shadowheart chose Shar'')
* '''Jaheira''': Wyrm's Crossing. This place has been a haven, when Harpers were less than welcome in the city proper.
* '''Jaheira''': Tell me, Shadowheart - how does Shar's favour feel? Does it fill you up, bring you joy?
* (''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': A nice vintage or a comfortable bed bring me joy. This is much more than that. This brings me purpose.
** '''Shadowheart''': It is always wise to have another redoubt, another escape route. Though I assumed your lot's antics would have secured you the love of the masses.
* '''Jaheira''': So humbly spoken. Perhaps you are a different breed than the last Mother Superior.
* (''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
* '''Shadowheart''': Time shall tell. At the very least, I can learn from her mistakes.
** '''Shadowheart''': Seems hard to imagine your efforts haven't always been appreciated.
* '''Jaheira''': Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd.
* (''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': Lady Shar's children toil similarly... but we know there is no need to seek the favour of others. Our lady's love is all we need.
* (''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': Hmph, sounds familiar.
(At the [[Morphic Pool]])
* '''Jaheira''': And now another 'final' battle. This small band has gone further than any army could have in its place.
* '''Shadowheart''': You didn't seek to gather the Harpers for one last charge? Fodder for heroic ballads yet to be written, perhaps.
* '''Jaheira''': Not at all - Harpers fight dirty. A well-timed strike, with the knowledge of just where to place it, and suddenly superior numbers count for nothing.
* (''If Shadowheart is still devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': You must have been following the example of Lady Shar's children then - they do say imitation is a form of flattery.
* (''If Shadowheart is no longer devoted to Shar'')
** '''Shadowheart''': Sounds much like the Sharrans - hopefully that's where the similarities end.

=== Jaheira and Wyll ===
=== {{Banter|Wyll}} ===
(At the Basilisk's Gate)
(At Basilisk Gate)
* '''Wyll''': Mercenary they may be, but father always demanded discipline from the Flaming Fist. Seems some grew unruly in his absence.
* '''Wyll''': Mercenary they may be, but father always demanded discipline from the Flaming Fist. Seems some grew unruly in his absence.
* '''Jaheira''': Your father made a fine job of polishing them up some - but a sellsword is still a sellsword. They are just following their nature.
* '''Jaheira''': Your father made a fine job of polishing them up some - but a sellsword is still a sellsword. They are just following their nature.
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* '''Jaheira''': I should hope so - they certainly don't get paid half so well.
* '''Jaheira''': I should hope so - they certainly don't get paid half so well.
(At the Counting House)
(At the entrance to the [[Guildhall]])
* '''Wyll''': I was barely eight years of age when I heard the Counting House held mythical treasure.
* '''Wyll''': So curious little Wyll tried to slip in. The guard spotted me straight away and dragged me by the collar back to my father.
* '''Jaheira''': A talking-to from the Grand Marshal himself. Quite the introduction to a life of crime - what did he say?
* '''Wyll''': Oh, he pretended to be cross. But there was no hiding the sly grin that crept on his face.
(At the Guildhall)
* '''Wyll''': Odd - I'd expect a Flaming Fist or four to be stationed nearby.
* '''Wyll''': Odd - I'd expect a Flaming Fist or four to be stationed nearby.
* '''Jaheira''': They stick to sunnier streets. Heavens forbid they disrupt any of that Guild business they're so well-paid to ignore, hm?
* '''Jaheira''': They stick to sunnier streets. Heavens forbid they disrupt any of that Guild business they're so well-paid to ignore, hm?
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* '''Jaheira''': I grieve to tell you, Wyll, they never were.
* '''Jaheira''': I grieve to tell you, Wyll, they never were.
(In the Undercity Ruins)
(At [[Undercity Ruins]])
* '''Wyll''': My first visit to the undercity. A haven for undead, or so my tutors said.
* '''Wyll''': My first visit to the undercity. A haven for undead, or so my tutors said.
* '''Jaheira:''' Shadow people roaming shadow streets. There's little more to learn down here but some depressing ways to die.
* '''Jaheira''': Shadow people roaming shadow streets. There's little more to learn down here but some depressing ways to die.
(If Wyll is romanced)
(At [[The Counting House]])
* '''Wyll''': I was barely eight years of age when I heard the Counting House held mythical treasure.
* '''Wyll''': So curious little Wyll tried to slip in. The guard spotted me straight away and dragged me by the collar back to my father.
* '''Jaheira''': A talking-to from the Grand Marshal himself. Quite the introduction to a life of crime - what did he say?
* '''Wyll''': Oh, he pretended to be cross. But there was no hiding the sly grin that crept on his face.
(''If the player is romancing Wyll; after act 3 romance scene'')
* '''Jaheira''': So, Wyll - you have your mind set on marriage.
* '''Jaheira''': So, Wyll - you have your mind set on marriage.
* '''Wyll''': Why not? If this adventure has taught me anything, it's that life is fragile, and we should seize joy when we can. You think I'm being rash?
* '''Wyll''': Why not? If this adventure has taught me anything, it's that life is fragile, and we should seize joy when we can. You think I'm being rash?
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* '''Jaheira''': So long as you serve a proper meal at the wedding. None of this finger-picking nonsense, yes?
* '''Jaheira''': So long as you serve a proper meal at the wedding. None of this finger-picking nonsense, yes?

=== Jaheira and Halsin ===
=== {{Banter|Halsin}} ===
(In Harborview Park)
(At [[Bloomridge Park]])
* '''Halsin''': Ah, a glimpse of nature. Like a sip of water to parched lips, eh, Jaheira?
* '''Halsin''': Ah, a glimpse of nature. Like a sip of water to parched lips, eh, Jaheira?
* '''Jaheira''': Baldurians think all druids to be hay-haired idlers, Halsin. Perhaps we ought not speak of nature - but high art, or politics?
* '''Jaheira''': Baldurians think all druids to be hay-haired idlers, Halsin. Perhaps we ought not speak of nature - but high art, or politics?
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* '''Jaheira''': It is so. And, should one favour bear-form, that tree in particular makes for excellent back-scratching...
* '''Jaheira''': It is so. And, should one favour bear-form, that tree in particular makes for excellent back-scratching...
(''If the player is romancing Haslin in act 3'')
* '''Jaheira''': Archdruid. You appear to gather a rather fanatic following wherever you go. A noble thing, to serve nature so tirelessly.
* '''Jaheira''': Archdruid. You appear to gather a rather fanatic following wherever you go. A noble thing, to serve nature so tirelessly.
* '''Halsin''': I welcome all of nature's blessings, whether they come to me one at a time, or in multitudes. There is no shame in it.
* '''Halsin''': I welcome all of nature's blessings, whether they come to me one at a time, or in multitudes. There is no shame in it.
* '''Jaheira''': Consider me put in my place. Clearly, I have been spending too much time among the city-folk.
* '''Jaheira''': Consider me put in my place. Clearly, I have been spending too much time among the city-folk.

=== Jaheira and Minsc ===
=== {{Banter|Minsc}} ===
(Entering Cazador's Palace)  
(At [[Lower City Sewers]])
* '''Minsc''': If Minsc had any hairs on his head, this place would set them all a-standing. And look how Boo's bunches his hackles!
* '''Minsc''': AH! The smell of adventure, in the very heart of the city!
* '''Jaheira''': We three have come through darker places than this together, Minsc.
* '''Jaheira''': The city's lower intestine, perhaps.
* '''Jaheira''': And hamsters don't have hackles.
* '''Minsc''': Better yet! What swifter way to strike at evil's butt than to crawl through its innards?
* '''Minsc''': Does Jaheira not set your heart at ease, Boo? It is comforting, to know that one so wise can be so wrong.
(At [[Guildhall]])
* '''Jaheira''': If Nine-Fingers survived the fray, she will be right back to work in there. We ought to speak to her.
* '''Minsc''': She has you in her thrall, Jaheira. Minsc will still her serpent tongue, before it has a chance to twine around your thoughts!
* '''Jaheira''': That, she will definitely have something to say about.
(In Bloomridge Park)
(At [[Bloomridge Park]])
* '''Minsc''': All of these statues - could they, too, be heroes all? Frozen in stone until the city has need of them?
* '''Minsc''': All of these statues - could they, too, be heroes all? Frozen in stone until the city has need of them?
* '''Jaheira''': The Harpers keep records of those who fought for the city - I think I would recall mention of a bare-assed little cherub in all our story and song.
* '''Jaheira''': The Harpers keep records of those who fought for the city - I think I would recall mention of a bare-assed little cherub in all our story and song.
Line 136: Line 466:
* '''Jaheira''': ... do you know, I had forgotten just how catty your hamster can be.
* '''Jaheira''': ... do you know, I had forgotten just how catty your hamster can be.
(In The Blushing Mermaid)
(At [[The Blushing Mermaid]])
* '''Minsc''': Jaheira, Minsc's memory of his last time in this taproom is a little... fuzzy. Did he...?
* '''Minsc''': Jaheira, Minsc's memory of his last time in this taproom is a little... fuzzy. Did he...?
* '''Jaheira''': Fear not, Rashemaar. It has never been your way to over-indulge.
* '''Jaheira''': Fear not, Rashemaar. It has never been your way to over-indulge.
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* '''Jaheira''': Best leave two. I cracked her with my own, afterward. She was drinking grog - Boo's backside could only have improved it.
* '''Jaheira''': Best leave two. I cracked her with my own, afterward. She was drinking grog - Boo's backside could only have improved it.
(Entering the Sewers)
(At [[Szarr Palace]])
* '''Minsc''': AH! The smell of adventure, in the very heart of the city!
* '''Minsc''': If Minsc had any hairs on his head, this place would set them all a-standing. And look how Boo's bunches his hackles!
* '''Jaheira''': The city's lower intestine, perhaps.
* '''Jaheira''': We three have come through darker places than this together, Minsc.
* '''Minsc''': Better yet! What swifter way to strike at evil's butt than to crawl through its innards?
* '''Jaheira''': And hamsters don't have hackles.
* '''Minsc''': Does Jaheira not set your heart at ease, Boo? It is comforting, to know that one so wise can be so wrong.
(In the Guildhall, before meeting [[Nine-Fingers Keene]])
* '''Jaheira''': If Nine-Fingers survived the fray, she will be right back to work in there. We ought to speak to her.
* '''Minsc''': She has you in her thrall, Jaheira. Minsc will still her serpent tongue, before it has a chance to twine around your thoughts!
* '''Jaheira''': That, she will definitely have something to say about.



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