m (Applied 'Verify' since looking at the game code there doesn't appear to be any checks under CURSE_SKIPPED_TURN that would prevent CURSE_SKIP_TURN from reapplying each turn. Also, cleaned-up empty attribute fields.)
{{ up to date | 2023-08-20 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->
| name = Bestow Curse: Dread
| name = Bestow Curse: Dread
Line 10:
Line 8:
| description = Curse a creature with your touch. It fills with dread, possibly skipping its turn.
| description = Curse a creature with your touch. It fills with dread, possibly skipping its turn.
| cost = action, spell3
| cost = action, spell3
| attack roll =
| damage =
| damage modifier =
| damage type =
| damage save =
| damage save effect =
| damage per =
| extra damage =
| extra damage modifier =
| extra damage type =
| extra damage save =
| extra damage save effect =
| extra damage per =
| concentration = yes
| concentration = yes
| save = WIS
| range = melee
| range = melee
| range m =
| range ft =
| aoe =
| aoe m =
| aoe ft =
| condition = Cursed: Dread
| condition = Cursed: Dread
| condition duration = 10
| condition duration = 10
| condition save = Wisdom
| condition save = Wisdom
| area =
| condition dc = caster
| area category =
| area shape =
| area range m =
| area range ft =
| area duration =
| area turn start damage =
| area turn start damage type =
| area turn start damage save =
| area turn start damage save effect =
| area turn end damage =
| area turn end damage type =
| area turn end damage save =
| area turn end damage save effect =
| area condition =
| area condition 2 =
| area condition 3 =
| area condition 4 =
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: The duration is increased by 10 turns for each [[Spells#Spell_Slot_Levels|Spell Slot Level]] above 3rd.
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: The duration is increased by 10 turns for each [[Spells#Spell_Slot_Levels|Spell Slot Level]] above 3rd.
| variant of = Bestow Curse
| variant of = Bestow Curse
| notes =
| bugs =
* This spell doesn't seem to work properly. A character cannot skip two turns in a row due to Cursed: Filled with Dread condition, even when they fail the saving throw at the beginning of the latter round.{{verify}}
| video = Bestow Curse Visuals.mp4
| video = Bestow Curse Visuals.mp4
Revision as of 22:18, 1 November 2024
Bestow Curse: Dread is a level 3 necromancy spell. This spell allows spellcasters to curse a target with dread, causing them to possibly skip their turn.
Curse a creature with your touch. It fills with dread, possibly skipping its turn.
This spell doesn't seem to work properly. A character cannot skip two turns in a row due to Cursed: Filled with Dread condition, even when they fail the saving throw at the beginning of the latter round.[Needs Verification]