Topaz can be found in the Sacred Pool of the Emerald Grove building a nest.
Using Speak with Animals
- It's slightly off - push it a bit to the right.
- Stop fussing. It looks fine.
- [DECEPTION] I'd leave it out - it's too dull. (DC 10)
- [INTIMIDATION] Kick at the bird, trying to scare it away. (DC 5)
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] Away from the coin, or I'll make a headpiece from your feathers. (DC 5)
- [DWARF] [PERSUASION] Leave it out - the metal's bad quality. It'll turn green very quickly. (DC 5)
- [BARD] Trinkets will rust, friend. A song shines on forever. Give it a try.
Succeeding a check or using an option related to class or race the items in the nest can be taken freely. Otherwise they are treated as stolen.
Within his nest can be found