Produce Flame: Hurl is a cantrip (Conjuration). Throws the flame you conjured in your hand at a target. Only given after first casting
Hurl the conjured flame in your hand at a target and let it sizzle out.
Throwing the flame this turn doesn't cost an action. Throwing it on subsequent turns will cost an action.
- Cost
- Damage
1d8 (1~8)
- Details
Attack roll
Range: 9 m / 30 ft
At higher levels
- At character level 5, the damage increases to 2d8
- At character level 10, the damage increases to 3d8
How to learn
(Information not yet added.)
- The version of this Cantrip granted by the Asmodeus Tiefling subrace, uses the character's Wisdom modifier to hurl the flame, rather than Charisma. See: Tiefling - Bugs.
- On Clerics the damage on the tooltip for Produce Flame is not marked correctly for the increases at level 5 and 10. The tooltip for the throwing action, , is marked correctly, and the damage scales correctly. It has the same chance to hit as .