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Calm Emotions

Revision as of 01:03, 16 August 2023 by Regis87 (talk | contribs) (FRW)
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Calm Emotions Icon.png

Calm Emotions is a level 2 enchantment spell. This spell allows spellcasters to magically subdue intense emotions in targeted creatures. The affected target become neutral to the creatures it is hostile toward, it also cannot be Charmed or Frightened during the duration of the spell. (note: in early access clerics have no access to this spell, likely a bug)


Suppress strong emotions in the area, making all humanoids immune to being Charmed or Frightened.


 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 6 m / 20 ft (Radius)
Concentration Concentration

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Condition: Calmed

Calmed Calmed

Duration: 10 turns

Charisma saving throw

How to learn


External Links