| image = Divine Smite.webp
| level = 1
| classes = Paladin
| summary = Divine Smite allows a to expend a Spell Slot to deal additional Radiant damage with a melee weapon attack.
| description = Your weapon emanates divine might as you strike, dealing an additional 2d8
RadiantDRS damage. Deals an additional 1d8
Radiant damage to Fiends and Undead.
| class learns at level 2 = Paladin
| cost = action
| hit cost = spell1
| damage = weapon
| damage modifier =
| damage type =
| damage save =
| damage save effect =
| damage per =
| extra damage = 2d8
| extra damage modifier =
| extra damage type = Radiant
| extra damage save =
| extra damage save effect =
| extra damage per =
| attack roll =
| range = weapon
| higher levels =
- When Divine Smite is cast at 2nd Level or higher, damage increases by 1d8
Radiant for each Spell Slot Level above 1st. This damage is capped to 5d8, so using a spell slot above 4th spell level adds no further damage.
| notes =
- Divine Smite cannot be triggered by ranged attacks.
- Does not consume the spell slot on a miss.
- Deals Weapon Damage +
- Unlike other smite spells, Divine Smite can also be configured to trigger automatically on a hit or critical hit via the reactions menu. See
- If the weapon attack roll is a critical hit the damage is doubled (4d8
Radiant, increasing by 2d8
Radiant for each Spell Slot Level above 1st).|25x25px|alt=Divine Smite (reaction).
- This allows you to use Divine Smite on any melee weapon attack and multiple times per turn (e.g. while dual-wielding).
- When triggered in this way, the only additional resource consumed is the selected level of spell slot.
- Despite being configured in the Reactions menu, Divine Smite never consumes the
Reaction resource.
- If the weapon attack roll is a critical hit the damage is doubled (4d8
Radiant, increasing by 2d8
Radiant for each Spell Slot Level above 1st).|class=bg3wiki-icon ]]
- If the weapon attack roll is a critical hit the damage is doubled (4d8
Radiant, increasing by 2d8
Radiant for each Spell Slot Level above 1st).|Divine Smite (reaction).
- This allows you to use Divine Smite on any melee weapon attack and multiple times per turn (e.g. while dual-wielding).
- When triggered in this way, the only additional resource consumed is the selected level of spell slot.
- Despite being configured in the Reactions menu, Divine Smite never consumes the
Reaction resource.
- If the weapon attack roll is a critical hit the damage is doubled (4d8
Radiant, increasing by 2d8
Radiant for each Spell Slot Level above 1st).]]