Keren is a monstrosity character found in Act Three. Though they appear on the surface to be an animal tamer for the Circus of the Last Days, they and Rylandare secretly a doppelganger serving Orin and the Cult of the Absolute. .

Keren is found standing beside Crimson's cage in the Circus of the Last Days, at X: -57 Y: -34. They will reveal a violent streak if spoken to, and declare that they wish Crimson would eat the fingers of any children that get too close to his cage.
If engaging with Dribbles in combat, Keren spends their first turns unlocking the animal cages, unless the creatures were previously freed or pacified.
Tampering with the cages, including unlocking and opening them, will turn Keren, Dribbles and Ryland temporarily hostile if detected.
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot