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Enver Gortash/Combat

< Enver Gortash
Revision as of 13:18, 9 October 2023 by HINK (talk | contribs)
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This page focuses on Enver Gortash's behavior during turn-based combat gameplay.

This page is a list of information, rather than a guide. Please refer to separate pages for full combat guides.

Spells and Abilities


Notable or Unique

During a specific encounter[1], Gortash does not "use" these abilities himself, but entities in the location will apply the following statuses to him under the right conditions:

  • Shell of Resistance - Thunder Immunity, +1 Bonus Action, "Extra Movement Speed"
  • Reflectoguard Active

Invoke the Black Hand

  • Applies condition Avatar of Tyranny Avatar of Tyranny to Gortash.
  • Allows Gortash to cast the concentration spell Tyrant's Bindings Tyrant's Bindings which can apply the Chain of Tyranny Chain of Tyranny to each member of the party (and any summons).
  • Gortash summons multiple Manifestation of Tyranny entities around the room.
  • Gortash summons 1 "Bane's Fist" entity that gets inserted into the very end of the turn order.

The Closed Fist of Bane

  • Gortash summons 1 additional "Bane's Fist" entity, which is added to the end of the turn order.

Empowered Unarmed Strike

  • Available to Gortash as a melee attack for as long as Avatar of Tyranny Avatar of Tyranny is active.
  • If available, Gortash uses this as an opportunity attack against targets moving out of melee range.

Summoned Entities

  • Manifestation of Tyranny - Gortash summons a fixed number of these creatures into specific places in the room. These have no place in the initiative order but each one applies 1 stack of the aura condition Bane's Brutality Bane's Brutality to Gortash and/or nearby Black Gauntlet characters, as long as they are standing within a short distance.
  • Bane's Fist - Inserted into the end of the turn order. At the end of each of its turns, Bane's Fist punches the ground around it for a lot of damage.


This information is not specified on this character's Examine page, but has resulted from contributor testing. If this information varies depending on whether this character is hostile, allied, or neutral, then please specify this in the applicable section.


This character has frequent access to the following unique conditions, but is not necessarily the caster of these conditions.


Immunities include Conditions that, according to in-game UI messages, cannot be afflicted onto this character. Conditions that are not explicit "Immune to" messages can still go in this section, but please provide more detail about what combat actions are prevented.

This character is immune to all of the following Conditions:


Vulnerabilities include specific named Conditions that can be afflicted onto this character, even if the chance of successfully afflicting this condition on the character is really, really low.

This character can be affected by all of the following Conditions:

  • Blinded
  • Paralysed
  • Prone
  • Mental Fatigue
  • Sluggardly
  • Shredded Armour


This section is a list of specific combat encounters where this character gets added into the initiative, and any specific differences about how this character can behave in each combat encounter.

Get Gortash's Netherstone - Wyrm's Rock Fortress (Office)

This encounter is triggered during Act Three if Gortash has become hostile. Inside Gortash's office, a number of appliances are attached to the walls that are added into the initiative order as entities that affect the early part of the fight.

Two of these entity types apply Conditions to Gortash while he is standing in range:

Notes and References

  1. Contributor note: I admittedly have no idea if you can fight Gortash in a different setting, as I have only ever tried to fight him here.