Shar's Darkness

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Shar's Darkness is a level 2 evocation spell. It creates a dark cloud that heavily obscures and blinds all creatures inside.


Create a dark shroud that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it.


 Range: 18 m / 54 ft
Creates Area: Darkness (cloud)
Concentration Concentration

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Area: Darkness (cloud)

Darkness Darkness

Duration: 10 turns

AoE: 5 m / 15 ft (UNKNOWN SHAPE)

A shroud of magical darkness that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of the darkness.

Type: Cloud

Condition: Blinded

Blinded Blinded

How to learn

Granted by the following items: