Blade Barrier

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Blade Barrier.webp

Blade Barrier is a level 6 evocation spell. This spell allows spellcasters to summon a wall of cutting blades.


Summons a wall of razor-sharp blades that turns the area into Difficult Terrain and damages anyone foolish enough to come close.


Action + Level 6 Spell Slot
D10 Slashing.png 6d10 (6~60) Damage TypesSlashing damage
DEX Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Creates Area: Blade Barrier
Concentration Concentration

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Area: Blade Barrier

The spell creates an area with the following properties.

  • AoE: 36 m / 120 ft (Line)
  • Duration: 60 turns

Creatures starting their turn in the area suffer:

D10 Slashing.png 6d10 (6~60) Damage TypesSlashing damage (Dexterity save to halve)

Creatures within the area are affected by the following conditions:

Difficult Terrain Difficult Terrain

How to learn


External Links[edit | edit source]