14 June 2024
replace all the instances of "discovering new locations" by "discovering locations", since "discover" already implies that the player hasn't been there yet
replace all the instances of "characters" (in the context of "defeated characters") by "creatures", since creatures include characters, animals and monsters. Add interlinks for "creatures". Will also avoid any confusion when talking about the level of the main character or the level of the defeated characters
remove the under construction banner
add the NavGameplay
→Sources of experience: add the screenshots showing the experience gains in the user interface
→Completing quests and quest steps: "Quests Journal" -> "Quest Journal", as it is in the game
→Completing quests and quest steps: consistency
→Completing quests and quest steps: capitalize the Quests Journal + note that the xp for a step is not visible in the journal
→Completing quests and quest steps: actually, the quests journal only shows the completed steps
→Completing quests and quest steps: add the screenshot of the quest and quest steps
→Characters: add the screenshots of the xp bar and levelup bar
→Defeating characters: include the stats for zeros and civilians
→Discovering new locations: add table about how many times each reward category is used in the game
→Defeating characters: add table about how many times each reward category is used in the game
→Succeeding background goals: add chart of experience vs. level for each reward category
→Defeating characters: add chart of experience vs. level for each reward category
→Discovering new locations: add chart of experience vs. level for each reward category
remove the multiple instances of "are assigned internally by the game", doesn't actually mean anything
→Completing quests and quest steps: add chart of experience vs. level for each reward category
13 June 2024
→Sources of experience: discovering new locations is the only source of xp that scales with the main character level
→Completing quests and quest steps: replace a few "quest step" by "step" to make the section easier to read
→Succeeding background goals: add an example of lvl 6 background goal and its reward
→Succeeding background goals: add note that the level is not visible in the user interface + add table about how many times each level is used in the game
→Succeeding background goals: add new section + definition + experience table
→Completing quests and quest steps: typo
→Defeating characters: wording consistency + interlink
→Defeating characters: typo
replace "defeating enemies" with "defeating characters", since you can get xp for defeating non-hostile characters
add thousands separators
→Completing quests and quest steps: add note about the 2,728 quest steps that grant 0 experience
→Completing quests and quest steps: add an example of step quest that grants 30 xp during the quest Find the Blood of Lathander
→Completing quests and quest steps: note about optional quest steps
→Completing quests and quest steps: remove redundant interlink
→Completing quests and quest steps: add an introduction explaining the difference between quests and quest steps
"steps of quest" -> "quest steps", "level of area" -> "area level", "level of enemy" -> "enemy level"
→Completing quests and steps of quests: add some stats about how many times each reward category is used in the game
→Completing quests and steps of quests: add table legend
→Completing quests and steps of quests: add the experience table
wording and style, interlinks, move some sentences, add small details
"categories of reward" -> "reward categories" + use numbered lists to enumerate the rule variables
→Completing quests and steps of quests: add the section and the 12 categories of rewards
→Sources of experience: precise that you get experience for completing steps of quests too
→Defeating enemies: add a detailed example of defeating enemies without fighting and showing that it gives the same experience than killing enemies
12 June 2024
→Discovering new locations: remove the "or below" since I actually don't know
→Discovering new locations: add the exception about the level of the main character
→Discovering new locations: add new section + info about small, medium, big and levelboost + table of experience
→Defeating enemies: add comment that the level of the areas is not visible in the user interface
→Sources of experience: style
add exp and xp abbreviations
→Defeating enemies: add the exception about the level of the area