Timber patrols the area of the Emerald Grove below the bugbear assassin, at the top of the elevator above the sacred pool. If a character without Speak with Animals active interacts with her, she will immediately bite them (no damage) for trespassing on her territory. Passing two Animal Handling (DC 10) checks or a Barbarian Intimidation check (DC 5) results in a compromise being reached and the character being rewarded with a Hyena Ear.
Timber is a squirrel in Baldur's Gate 3.Alternatively, the character may lethally punt Timber against a tree by passing a Dexterity check (DC: 10).
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Spoiler warning! This section reveals interactions with The Dark Urge.
Companion approval
- [Dexterity] - Kick the squirrel (Note: Astarion seems to only approve if you know it's Timber's territory.)
- The Dark Urge: "My instincts are sharp, daggered things. Stay out of their way." or "It came right at me!"