More actions
Dawnburst Strike is a weapon action available to characters proficient in and wielding a morningstar in their main hand.
Deal additional Radiant damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. On a hit. light erupts around you in a 3m area. Enemies in the light must succeed a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw or be Blinded.
- Details
- Attack roll
- Range: Normal weapon range
- Recharge: Short rest
Condition: Blinded
Duration: 3 turns
- Ranged attacks and spells have a range of 3 m / 10 ft and Attack Rolls suffer Disadvantage.
- Attack Rolls against Blinded creatures have Advantage.
How to learn
Granted by the weapons:
- The Sacred Star
- Tough Sunrises (inaccessible)
Granted by wielding the following weapon types with proficiency: