Air Elemental

From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki

Air Elementals are a type of Elemental creature that can be found via the spell Conjure Elemental Conjure Elemental.

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

D6 Thunder.png 2d6 + 1 (3~13) Damage TypesThunder damage
D6 Thunder.png 2d6 + 1 (3~13) Damage TypesThunder damage

Launch 2 jets of thunderous, billowing air.
DEX Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
D6 Lightning.png 2d6 (2~12) Damage TypesLightning damage

Gales of cackling stormy wind swirl around you, battering at nearby creatures and Shocked Shocking them.
STR Save
 Range: Self
AoE: 4 m / 13 ft (Radius)
D4 Slashing.png 2d4 (2~8) Damage TypesSlashing damage
D4 Lightning.png 2d4 (2~8) Damage TypesLightning damage

Descend on a creature to buffet it with charged swipes.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft

Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Fly Fly ()

Fly to a target position
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]