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Bonespike Garb

Revision as of 05:03, 29 November 2023 by Addela (talk | contribs) (uid/uuid)
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Bonespike Garb image

Bonespike Garb is a very rare Clothing that grants temporary hit points when using Rage.

Description Icon.png

Sharp juts and knobbly nodules of bone stud this armour, as if something ancient sank its teeth deep into the leather and they got stuck there.


  • Clothing Clothing
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  •  Weight: 1.8 kg / 3.6 lb
  • Price: 4160 gp
  • UID MAG_BarbMonk_Cloth_B_1
    UUID 7cca51a5-bfa6-4c65-b2d9-ef0167762a19


The wearer of this item gains:

  • Slabjaw Determination: You gain 15 Temporary Hit Points whenever you Rage Rage.
  • Exoskeletal Endurance: Reduce all incoming damage by 2. When the wearer is struck by a melee attack, the attacker takes Constitution modifierDamage TypesPiercing damage.

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