Entangle is a level 1 conjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to conjure magical vines and turn an area within range into difficult terrain. Creatures are possibly and move at half speed while standing in this area.
Vines sprout from the ground, turning it into and possibly creatures within.
Entangled creatures cannot move. An ally can use its help action to try and tear away the vines.
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Area: Vines
[[ Vines | Vines ]]
How to learn
- Class Level 1: Druid
- Class Level 6: College of Lore (via Magical Secrets)
- Class Level 10: Bard (via Magical Secrets)
An equivalent spell, Faithwarden's Vines, is provided by the Pale Oak.
External links
Entangle on the Forgotten Realms Wiki