“Suppose I'll have to add 'babysitting drunks' to my employment experience. 'Go work for a bank' they said, 'It'll be prestigious' they said...„
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot
Idle Banter
Taslim will occasionally chat with Gurira:
Cashguard Gurira: How much did you drink, you idiot dokal?
- Cashguard Taslim: Just - just a bitta beer. And wine. And mead.
- Cashguard Gurira: We have to go back to the Counting House! What were you thinking?!
- Cashguard Taslim: Ah, don't be a dry-shite. No one will... will... yeah.
- Cashguard Gurira: We have to go back to the Counting House! What were you thinking?!
Cashguard Gurira: Could you at least try to stand up straight.
- Cashguard Taslim: I am! Oh - oh, that was a bad idea.
- Cashguard Gurira: Don't you dare puke on your uniform.
Cashguard Taslim: You - you want a drink? Let's get one for the road.
- Cashguard Gurira: No, you moron. We could be fired for this!
- Cashguard Taslim: Ah, sure, a bitta drink never killed anyone.
- Cashguard Gurira: Tell that to Glitterbeard! He'll have our heads.
- Cashguard Taslim: Ah, sure, a bitta drink never killed anyone.