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Decide Minthara's Fate

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Decide Minthara's Fate is a quest available upon enterring Moonrise Towers in Chapter Two, provided Minthara survived the previous chapter. It is not required to have raided the Druid Grove, but if the player knocked her out to progress Defeat the Goblins, the game will continue as if she were dead.

Successful completion unlocks Minthara as a possible companion.


  • Check on Minthara.
    • Nightwarden Minthara has been condemned to death. We ought to visit her while we can.
  • Quest Completed!
    • [Minthara escaped] We helped Minthara escape Moonrise Towers. She went to our camp to recover from her ordeal.
    • [Minthara died] Minthara did not escape her fate at Moonrise, and she never will.
    • [Minthara's mind was erased] Minthara's captors erased her free will completely. She is an obedient thrall, loyal to the Absolute, and without a personality of her own.



When the player enters Moonrise Towers, if Minthara is still around they'll see her answering to Ketheric Thorm and Disciple Z'rell. Regardless of any successful checks, Minthara will ultimately be taken away to be judged and the fate of the goblins left in the player's hand. The journal will make note to check up on her.

Minthara can then be found down some stairs and in the Moonrise Towers Prison; a quest marker notes her exact location. You'll find Questioner Sumera and Questioner Jasin attempting to break and erase her mind. You can allow them do so and bring the quest to an early close, attack them, or attempt a Deception (DC 10) or Intimidation (DC 14) Check to allow you to step in and take over, though they will not leave the room.

If you attack them, Minthara will assist in the fight as an NPC. After they're both down, Minthara will ask you to escort her out of Moonrise. You can agree, in which case move over to the next section, or you can tell Minthara you're just here to kill her yourself. Unsurprisingly, the latter will lead to a fight.

If you stepped in and took over, Minthara will initially be unable to talk as she battles the Absolute trying to possess her mind. Passing a DC 18 Wisdom roll will allow you to communicate with her and either:

  1. Convince her to pretend her mind's broken.
  2. Tell her to fight with you.
  3. Erase her mind.

Assuming you didn't erase her mind, Minthara will now join you. A final Intimidation, Deception, or Persuasion (DC 18[Needs Verification]) Check will convince Sumera and Jasin to leave. If you did erase Minthara's mind, the Check won't be necessary, although obviously the quest will be over.

The Great Escape

From here, you need to escort Minthara out of Moonrise, though she won't yet take up a full party slot. It's possible to just walk out, although you'll need to pass your choice of Intimidation/Deception/Persuasion (DC 14[Needs Verification]) Checks with:

  • The guard just outside Minthara's cell.
  • The two guards guarding the front door to Moonrise.

Alternatively, you might try to avoid these two, such as with stealth or by casting Invisibility on Minthara.

Once Minthara has left Moonrise Tower's boundaries, you can begin conversation with her and either tell her to go her own way or head to your camp.


  • If Minthara dies at any point during this quest, it will complete and it will not be possible to resurrect her.