Overview[edit | edit source]
Past a door on the first floor, guarded by Radija, is the rooftop. After meeting him in the throne room, Ketheric Thorm moves here, leaving orders not to disturb him under any circumstances. Radija does not allow the party inside, but they can sneak past Ketheric's guards to explore the area.
Surrounding Ketheric are several Necromites and Susdera. There is a chest behind Ketheric which contains the Ring of Exalted Marrow. After having dealt with Aylin a fight against Ketheric occurs here. This fight ends after Kethric is significantly damaged. He then retreats with the help of a gigantic tentacle, taking Aylin with him. It is revealed then, that one of the towers is hollow and the party can jump down it. Next to the hollow tower Jaheira waits. The party can now fully recruit her as a Companion prior to following Ketheric. Interacting with the hollow tower lets the party continue their pursuit.
However, if Ketheric is spoken with here without having dealt with Aylin first, he is furious that the party did not wait as instructed and turns hostile, and then cannot be defeated, as he is still immortal.
Related Locations[edit | edit source]
Related Quests[edit | edit source]
Notable Loot[edit | edit source]
Ring of Exalted Marrow in a chest behind Ketheric Thorm.
Notable NPCs[edit | edit source]