About cats[edit | edit source]
Cats are a domesticated, carnivorous animal, found across Faerûn. Proud and affectionate, they are valued for their companionship and hunting capabilities.
Cats can be spoken to using . They are also available as a familiar with the spell .
Racial features[edit | edit source]
Base Racial Speed
- 9m / 30ft
- Tiny
- Can see in the dark up to
12 m / 40 ft.
- Due to their natural feline grace, cats are Resistant to Falling damage.
Known cat characters[edit | edit source]
Cat-like creatures[edit | edit source]
Cat Summons[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
His Majesty, a hairless sphinx cat
Grub, a medium-hair cat
Shadow-Whiskers, an angry Displacer Beast
Action icon for a cat's Claws attack
External links[edit | edit source]
Cat on the Forgotten Realms Wiki