Everburn Blade

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Everburn Blade image

Everburn Blade is an uncommon greatsword that deals additional Damage TypesFire damage.

Description Icon.png
Silent flames surge the length of the blade as soon as it clears the scabbard.


D6 Slashing.png 2d6 (2~12) + Strength modifier Damage TypesSlashing damage
Extra damage
D4 Fire.png 1d4 (1~4) Damage TypesFire damage
Greatswords Greatswords
Rarity: Uncommon
Enchantment: None
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
 Weight: 2.7 kg / 5.4 lb
Price: 130 gp
UID MAG_Fire_AlwaysDippedInFire_Greatsword
UUID 660483f6-8eb3-45be-88a4-327f9d417026

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain:

Pommel Strike Pommel Strike ()
Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy and possibly Dazed Daze them.,
Lacerate Lacerate ()
Slash at your target's vital points to make it Bleeding Bleed. Some Undead and Constructs can't suffer Bleeding., and
Cleave Cleave ()
Swing your weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies at once. They each take half the damage your weapon usually deals.

Where to find


  • This is one of very few non-Dippable weapons in the game, as its special property functions largely the same as being dipped in fire.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]