War Pick +1

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War Pick +1 image

War Pick +1 is an uncommon, lightly enchanted (+1) variant of the War Picks family of weapons. It is a martial melee weapon wielded in one hand.

Description Icon.png
When swung, the arc of this weapon perfectly matches the curve of its beak-like pick.


D8 Piercing.png 1d8 + 1 (2~9) + Strength modifier Damage TypesPiercing damage
War Picks War Picks
Rarity: Uncommon
Enchantment: + 1
Dippable Dippable
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
 Weight: 0.9 kg / 1.8 lb
Price: 400 gp

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain: No results,

Piercing Strike Piercing Strike ()
Stab an enemy and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds Gaping Wounds., and
Weakening Strike Weakening Strike ()
Target an enemy's hands with a non-lethal attack and possibly inflict Weak Grip Weak Grip. Creatures without weapons can't have Weak Grip.

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