Diabolic Chains

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Scorching Ray.webp

Diabolic Chains is a level 6 evocation spell. This spell is available only to Raphael, deals Hellfire damage and pushes back targets 5m. It cannot be learned by players and is only used by NPCs.


Spend 2 souls you have consumed to lash out with 3 magmatic chains of Hellfire and push the targets back 5m.


D6 Fire.png 6d6 (6~36) Damage TypesFire damage per ray
Attack roll
 Range: 18 m /  ft
AoE: 1 m /  ft (Radius)
Creates Area: Hellfire

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Area: Hellfire

The spell creates a surface with the following properties.

  • AoE: 1 m /  ft (Radius)
  • Duration: 1 turn

Creatures within the area are affected by the following conditions:

Roiling Hellfire Roiling Hellfire
D6 Fire.png 6d6 (6~36) Damage TypesFire damage
  • Flames from the heart of Avernus engulf this entity, inflicting 6d6Damage TypesFire damage per turn.

How to learn

Used by creatures: Raphael
