Help:Style manual

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This page serves as a basic style reference for contributors to Everything written here is intended as a guideline to be referenced when needed, not as an unbreakable rule.

General Wiki Guidance

  1. Contributors should write articles using straightforward, succinct language. Remember: less is more.
  2. Always (briefly) describe the nature of your edits by filling out the 'Summary' field on the submission page.
  3. Regarding disputes and disagreements: Always prioritise fixing factual errors over rewriting articles to conform to a specific style. Please avoid getting into edit wars. Take disagreements to the Discussion/Talk page or the Discord.

Article Names

Guidelines for naming articles vary based on the type of article.


When both singular and plural forms of a concept are viable, opt for the singular form. This enables easier linking while minimising the number of article redirects.

  • Saving Throw (Saving Throws)
    • Link markup: [[Saving Throw]] and [[Saving Throw]]s both lead to Saving Throw, allowing for easy plural usage

Exception: When a concept is frequently searched for or described as a plural, use the plural form instead. Additionally, create a redirect for the singular form. This enables easier linking of articles.


Opt for the character's simplest name, without any titles, aliases, or nicknames. Titles and aliases can be described in the text of the article itself. If a title or alias is very frequently used in-game, consider adding a redirect for it.

  • Gut (True Soul Gut Priestess Gut)
  • Spaw (Sovereign Spaw)

Firstname Lastname is also acceptable.


Use the name of the item shown on the ingame tooltip, including the enchantment value, if any:

When an item has both an enchantment and a unique name, use the unique name without the enchantment value:


When a location has multiple names, opt for the name displayed on the minimap while standing in that location. Create redirects for alternative names.

If a notable location does not have a minimap name, opt for the name of the nearest Waypoint or fold the location into a larger region or area that encompasses that location (such as The Risen Road).

To determine what words to use when writing about a place, remember that the World (e.g. Faerûn) is broken down into Regions(e.g. Wilderness) which may be composed of smaller areas (e.g. Silvanus' Grove, Goblin Camp) and are all composed of, at the lowest scale, and specific named Locations (e.g. Sacred Pool, Worg Pens).

Wiki Organisation

Various wiki organisation guidelines, plus generally agreed-upon word choices for organisational terms.

Chapters or Acts?

Follow the 'Chapter' nomenclature used by the quest journal, rather than the 'Act' nomenclature used in marketing materials. Additionally, spell out the chapter number as a word.

  • Chapter One (Act 1)

Character Locations

When noting a character's location(s), try to list all permutations of where that character may appear. Group and sort multiple appearances for the same character by Chapter.

Exception: For the Characters infobox that appears at the bottom of named NPC pages (Template:CharactersNavbox), try to limit each character to only one location - whether that is the first location or the most common location for that character. For particularly significant characters who appear in multiple Chapters and/or multiple locations in the same Chapter, use your best judgment to determine whether it's appropriate to list multiple appearances for the same character.


Frequency of Link Usage

Linking to other articles is an important part of wiki information discoverability, but inserting too many inline links can break the flow of text. A general guideline to follow when a term is mentioned several times in quick succession is to link the first instance of that term in each section of an article.

Linking Related Articles "Out of Context"


Formatting, Grammar, and Spelling




In Titles

Follow Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for capitalisation of titles, item names, location names, game concepts, bg3wiki page names, page headings, and other proper nouns, even when in-game capitalisation differs.

  • Circle of the Moon (Circle Of The Moon)
  • The Festering Cove (the Festering Cove)

In short:

  • Capitalise nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.
  • Use lowercase for articles (a, an, the) and prepositions, except at the beginning of a proper noun clause.

In Articles

Capitalise proper nouns (including specific items, locations, game concepts, effects and conditions, and bg3 wiki page names), titles, and regional adjectives. Do no not capitalise common nouns unless it is warranted.

For example:

  • Correct capitalisation: If the Longsword of Power is equipped, the character may no longer use potions.
  • Incorrect capitalisation: If the longsword of power is equipped, the character may no longer use Potions.
  • Correct capitalisation: For more information about Baldurian beverages, see the Potions article.
  • Incorrect capitalisation: For more information about baldurian beverages, see the potions article.

Punctuation and Grammar

Baldur's Gate 3 follows British English punctuation and grammatical rules (barring a few errors and inconsistencies). Aim to consistently employ these rules wiki-wide for consistency.


  • 'Single quotes' ("Double quotes")


Use Oxford commas (also known as Serial Commas) when listing three or more items, unless directly quoting game text that omits this comma.

  • Clerics, Rogues, and Barbarians (Clerics, Rogues and Barbarians)

Perspective and Objectivity

Write from a third-person, objective perspective. Ideally, omit the perspective entirely.

  • This is item bugged in Patch 9. (We know this item is bugged in Patch 9.)
  • A Bard can use this to inspire allies. (We can use this to inspire allies.)

Second-person is also acceptable when the tone of a statement benefits from a more direct addressing of the reader, but try not to switch between third- and second-person perspectives too often.

  • Your choice of reward does not matter here.

Never use first-person perspective in the main wiki namespace, even when making conjectures. If a statement is tentative and needs to be verified, that's okay - simply include the {{Verify}} template to let readers and other wiki editors know.

  • This is also dropped by John Baldursgate.[Needs Verification] (I think this is also dropped by John Baldursgate.)

Exception for Guides and Walkthroughs: When writing content for the Guide: namespace, feel free to write subjectively and from any perspective. This namespace is your place to interject your opinions and recommendations for players. Additional guidelines tailored for this namespace may be added at a later date.

Present Tense

Write in present tense, not past tense. is first and foremost a 'snapshot' of the current version of BG3.

  • Wyll is a Companion. (Wyll was a Companion.)
  • Mystra is the goddess of magic. (Mystra was the goddess of magic.)

Exception: Past tense is acceptable when describing a notable change from a previous version of the game:

  • Prior to Early Access Patch 9, this weapon was dropped by Zevlor.

Try to avoid slipping into future tense unless absolutely necessary.

  • You regain 10 Hit Points. (You will regain 10 Hit Points.)


Mimic pronoun usage from in-game text, where available. Otherwise, maintain gender neutrality when a pronoun is called for, and use 'they/them' for both singular and plural cases.

  • The Paladin can heal their allies. (The Paladin can heal her allies.)


Aim to consistently employ British spelling rules wiki-wide, particularly when copying text directly from the game, as with item, feature, and spell descriptions.

  • Armour (Armor)
  • Defence (Defense)
  • Colour Spray (Color Spray)

Content Guidelines

Various guidelines to follow when adding content and information to the wiki.

'Where to Find' Sections

When describing where to find an item, include all of the following details:

  1. A description of the location of the item - or the source, if it's a quest reward or sold by a vendor
    • Include both broad and specific information in this description, as needed (e.g. 'Found in Chapter One in the Underdark. The sword is near the Selûnite Outpost, embedded in a rock (X:116, Y:-192).')
  2. Instructions for any additional steps necessary to find or obtain the item (e.g. 'Jump up to the ledge behind the purple mushroom.')
  3. Map coordinates of the item, if applicable, in the format (X:123, Y:123)
    • This can be done in the form of the 'Coords' template: {{Coords|123|123}}

When an item can be found in multiple places, list all known locations. Exception: For common and very plentiful items, don't worry about documenting every location via text. Instead, consider working with other wiki editors to generate a map of all locations or include a link to an external map resource.

Templates and Category Styles

Guidelines for templates and how to use them, and style consistency within page categories. For guidance on general template usage, see the Templates guide on How To Contribute.

Creating a New Page

When creating a new page, whenever possible, try and use a Page Creation Template.

Visually Indistinct Items or Effects

Some items are visually identical but have differing descriptions or statistics, in this case:

  1. If the only difference is a single value (description/price/weight etc.), using a single template and using bullet points for that information is recommended.
  2. If multiple values for items of the same name vary, creating multiple pages with disambiguation parentheses are recommended. i.e. 'Item (Ice)' & 'Item (Fire)'.
  3. If all else fails, having two entries on the same page is considered an acceptable temporary solution.

Image Naming

This section is currently a WIP, and subject to change, though should still be usable as a reference of guidelines to follow

Trying to keep consistency with uploaded image naming conventions is encouraged.

With thousands of images to reference, following this basic principle makes it a lot easier for other editors to find and reference images intuitively, and reduces the chances of multiple identical images being uploaded under different names. All this in turn makes it less likely that pages will break, or show incorrect images if anything is changed. It also reduces the need for multiple pages to be manually edited when information needs to be updated, or new information is added.

Using your best judgement in this regard will usually mean you can stop reading this section for now. Read on for specific guidance and examples.

General Guidelines

If you are unsure, making a note of, and following any clear convention already present within file categories you may be adding to, may also indicate best practices. If, in a specific scenario, you are uploading images, and there is no clear consensus, or the naming convention is unclear, the following are some general guidelines to reference:

  1. Preferred image format: If in doubt, .png is usually the preferred file type for images, or alternatively .jpg.
  2. Try and keep image names clear, but concise.
  3. In most cases, spaces, or optionally, underscores ( _ ), should be used between words.

Naming Style

The most basic image naming convention would be the image name, clearly but concisely describing what the image depicts. In some cases this may be preceded by a descriptive prefix, or followed by an indication of the image category, depending on the page category, or context it is likely to be used in.

Some objects and concepts in the game share names, and some have multiple image variations. If you are uploading multiple images that share a name, the use of a suffix after the image name but before the image category is highly recommended.

  • By convention this is usually in the form of a single character*, ( 'A' 'B' 'C' etc. ), although there may be good reason to break from this convention depending on context.

*The 'rule of thumb' to follow is that the image name stays consistent, followed by a unique suffix for each image sharing a name.

Category Names

As of writing, the only image category name that is widely used is '_Icon', at the very end of an image name. These images are used to represent items and concepts, that may be used in vastly different contexts, and have many different kinds of images sharing the same name.

For the same reason, some image names have a descriptive prefix, often making the generic '_Icon' suffix redundant. Two notable examples would be 'Spell_' and 'PassiveFeature_'. These are all good examples of naming conventions that make image use more intuitive, and consistent across pages.

Style and Syntax Examples

To reiterate, the most basic image naming convention would be the image name, clearly but concisely describing what the image depicts. In many cases, for specific types of image used in the wiki, there might be additional considerations when naming an image for upload.

  • If you find yourself in a situation lacking a naming convention, and you think there should be, start one; Most naming conventions have evolved from other editors doing the same thing (and it never hurts to leave a comment somewhere too).

The following are some, often hypothetical, naming examples for reference, and not an exhaustive list:

Multiple Images

Two different backpack icons:

  • Backpack_A_Icon.png
  • Backpack_B_Icon.png

Screenshots* of the Underdark region:

  • Underdark_Sussur_Tree.png
  • Underdark_Mushrooms.png
  • Underdark_Mush_Bibberbang.png
  • Underdark_Arcane_Tower_NE.png
  • Underdark_Arcane_Tower_S.png

*By convention, screenshots have a more free-form naming style. This is probably due to their descriptive nature, and lower use per-image across multiple pages.


New spell and action icons:

  • Action_Stomp_Icon.png
  • Spell_Implode_Self_Icon.png

Same name but different categories*:

  • PassiveFeature_Tenacity_Icon.png
  • Tenacity_Condition_Icon.webp

*Both of these categories currently break strict file naming conventions, partly as a result of game file naming.

*Conditions are a special case, as they are both a concept and an image category; Note the use of the .webp file format.

Image Layout and Presentation

Character Images

For character pages, whenever possible, include both a cinematic portrait/screenshot and a 3D model of the character. Display the cinematic portrait first and ensure the PageSeo template has been invoked with the cinematic portrait as the image parameter. This will help ensure consistency across character pages and external link previews (e.g. social media sites and Discord).

Exception: When an official render or character art is available - as in the case of Origin characters such as Lae'zel - display that image first.

Exception: For common, non-named creatures, it is okay to display a 3D model first.

Image Placement


Item and Ability Icons