Orin's Ritual Notes are found on the corpses along with the body parts of Dribbles the Clown.
Related quests
There are six ritual notes, all titled in the same manner.
- Illasera, the First - along with clown's torso
- Yaga-Shura, the Second - clown's arm
- Sendai, the Third - clown's leg
- Abazigal, the Fourth - clown's foot
- Balthazar, the Fifth - clown's pelvis
- Amelyssan, the Sixth - clown's head
All these names are Bhaalspawn participating in the events of Bhaalspawn Crisis (namely group of The Five and their leader, Amelyssan), placed in order of their demise. Each letter contains a short epitaph to the named person and is signed by Orin the Red.
These letters actually confirm constable Devella Fountainhead's conjecture about murders: they all are perpetrated in reverence to century-old Bhaalists' exploits.
- The corpses on which letters are found match by race and gender the corrensponding Bhaalspawn, and even resemble them in appearance. The only exception is Yaga-Shura (who was a Fire Giant, but Orin simply used for his effigy heavyset, robust humans (with light-ginger hair and beards, though)). Details with which some of the murders were performed, too, hint onto particulars of members of The Five or of their deaths.
- Letter devoted to Amelyssan (along with Clown's Severed Head) can be found on the body of Wilting Alex, chained to another five corpses, together again depicting the race/gender set of the Five Bhaalspawn
- There are two copies of letter devoted to Sendai that can actually be found: on the body of two different drow females (which matches Sendai's race) lying in the ritual circle and in the adjacent room.
- Balthazar was the Bhaalspawn monk, leader of the monastery in
Calimshan. His namesake necromancer, disciple and advisor to General Ketheric Thorm in Act Two, confesses that he took his name, too, after taking his ribcage.
- Echo of Illasera, Echo of Sendai and Echo of Amelyssan appear as lesser judges at the Murder Tribunal beside Sarevok Anchev. Should the player character choose to become an Unholy Assassin, Echo of Abazigal will also appear in the Dread Lord's Abbatoir, acting as a trader.