“Bloody arm is killin' me. 'Ere's to the best sedative there is - BOOZE.„
Act One
Sharp-Eye Mirg can be found in the main outdoor area of the Goblin Camp, complaining to Puli about a recent injury from a raid.
If the party successfully poison the booze tub in the Goblin Camp, Mirg will propose a toast and encourage the player character to drink. The player character can attempt to convince all the goblins to drink.
- Down the drink. (DC 15
Constitution saving throw to avoid taking1d6
Poison for
Duration: 10 turns)
- [SLEIGHT OF HAND] Spill the beer, then pretend to drink from the empty cup. (DC 10)
- [DECEPTION] After you! I shouldn't drink before the host. (DC 10)
- [BARD] [PERFORMANCE] Show off an elaborate bartending trick. (DC 10
Failing any of the checks above will give you another chance to avoid suspicion:
- Down the drink. (same as above)
- Drink quickly to squash their suspicions. (same as above)
- You caught me. It's poisoned. (this will turn the whole camp hostile)
- [PERSUASION] I'm simply being a good guest, that's all. (DC 10)
- [DECEPTION] I was checking none of you idiots had spilled anything foul in there. (DC 10)
- [PERFORMANCE] Aw, c'mon. I've already had a few cups... can barely see straight. (DC 7)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Read her mind.
- Don't be stupid. You might be able to drink all day - the Absolute needs me sober.
If successful in tricking the goblins, Mirg will be one of many to die from poison.
Attacks and abilities
- Mirg grants 15 XP when killed.
External links
Mirg on the Forgotten Realms Wiki