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Hunger of Hadar
Hunger of Hadar is a level 3 conjuration spell. It creates an area that deals damage and inflicts conditions to creatures in it, including reduced movement speed.
Creatures within this black sphere are and take damage at the end of their turn and the start of their turn.
Creatures starting their turn in the area take 2d6Cold damage. Creatures ending their turn in the area possibly take 2d6
Acid damage.
The area is .
- Cost
Action +
Level 3 Spell Slot
- Damage
2d6 (2~12)
- +
- Details
DEX Save (Spell save DC)
Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 6 m / 20 ft (Radius)
Creates Area: Hunger of Hadar
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Area: Hunger of Hadar

Duration: 10 turns
AoE: 6 m / 20 ft (UNKNOWN SHAPE)
A sphere of cold blackness, teeming with unknown horrors.
Creatures starting their turn in the area take 2d6Cold damage. Creatures ending their turn in the area possibly take 2d6
Acid damage.
The area is Difficult Terrain and creatures within are .
Type: Summoned
Condition: Hunger of Hadar (Aura)
How to learn
- Class Level 5: Warlock
- Class Level 6: College of Lore (via Magical Secrets)
- Class Level 10: Bard (via Magical Secrets)
Granted by the following items:
Markoheshkir (
Recharge: Short rest)
- The incantation for Hunger of Hadar is Ira et Dolor, Latin for "anger and pain".
- The spell's cold damage seems to be not dealt by the caster, but the created environment instead. As a result, it will not trigger Winter's Clutches's Encrusted with Frost (Condition) effect.
- As of Patch #6, the spell mistakenly uses a fixed Spell Save DC of 12 instead of the caster's, although this only affects the 2d6
Acid damage as the rest of the spell's effects don't require a saving throw.