Soul Ascension is a level 6 evocation spell. It is available to Raphael while he is in his form. It creates an area that, while inside, lets his cambions deal Hellfire damage, and causes Necrotic damage to enemies. It cannot be learned by players and is only used by NPCs.
Necrotic to any non-fiend caught inside.
Damage: 6~60
Spell flags
Create a column of writhing souls that transforms allied Cambions into s and deals 6d10
Cambions ascended by this cascade deal Hellfire damage, which ignores Resistance and Immunity to Fire damage.
Damage: 6~60


At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Technical details


Area: Soul Ascension

Duration: 2 turns
AoE: 3 m / 10 ft (Radius)
Type: Summoned
Condition: Writhing Souls
Condition: Hellfire Cambion
- This cambion's attacks deal Hellfire damage, ignoring Resistance and Immunity to
Fire damage.