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Azer Warhammer

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Azer Warhammer image

Hits with this weapon deal an additional 1d6Damage TypesFire damage.

Description Icon.png

Flecks of volcanic glass gleam darkly from the head of this warhammer - obsidian eyes regarding the world with the narrow, spite-inflamed convictions of its azer wielder.


One-handed damage
Two-handed damage
Warhammers Warhammers
Rarity: Common
Enchantment: None
Dippable Dippable
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
 Weight: 2.7 kg / 5.4 lb
Price: 0 gp
UID WPN_HUM_Azer_Warhammer_A
UUID 22baa548-56a4-494c-a9d0-4880d6f1da91

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain:

Backbreaker Backbreaker ()

Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone Prone.

Concussive Smash Concussive Smash ()

Hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze Daze them.

Weakening Strike Weakening Strike ()

Target an enemy's hands with a non-lethal attack and possibly inflict Weak Grip Weak Grip.

Special weapon actions

This weapon also grants the following:

Overheat Overheat ()

Release a fraction of your inner fire. All nearby creatures take damage and start Burning Fiercely Burning Fiercely.

Where to find


This weapon can only be obtained by summoning an Azer with Conjure Minor Elemental: Azer Conjure Minor Elemental: Azer, getting the Azer arrested, and then taking the weapon from the equipment chest found in the jail.