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Pike +1

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Pike +1 image

Pike +1 is an uncommon, lightly enchanted (+1) variant of the Pikes family of weapons. It is a martial melee weapon that's wielded with both hands. It gives the user extra reach in melee combat.

Description Icon.png

The base of this polearm's shaft is splintered, likely having borne the weight of a rider plucked from their mount.


D10 Piercing.png 1d10 + 1 (2~11) + Strength modifier Damage TypesPiercing
Pikes Pikes
Rarity: Uncommon
Enchantment: + 1
Extra Reach Extra Reach
Dippable Dippable
 Range: 2.5 m / 8 ft
 Weight: 8.1 kg / 16.2 lb
Price: 40 gp
UUID 40fa8049-b6c1-4463-b212-52ad13b5d687

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain:

Rush Attack Rush Attack ()

Charge forward and attack the first enemy in your way, possibly pushing them Off Balance Off Balance.

Piercing Strike Piercing Strike ()

Stab an enemy and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds Gaping Wounds.

Brace (Melee) Brace ()

Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll melee damage twice and use the highest result.

Where to find

  • Has a chance to be sold by any trader using the magic melee table each time the player resets trader's inventories by long resting or levelling up.

External links[edit | edit source]