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Shadeclinger Armour

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Shadeclinger Armour image

Shadeclinger Armour is a rare Light Armour that grants Advantage on Saving Throws while Obscured.

Description Icon.png

Glutted with lone wolves and well-meaning scallywags, the Harpers are not averse to shadows - quite the contrary. For many such individuals, being swallow in the dark throat of the night is the only method they know or care to know.


  • Light Armour Light Armour
  • Proficiency Icon.png Required Proficiency: Light Armour Light Armour
  • Rarity: Rare
  •  Weight: 4.5 kg / 9 lb
  • Price: 130 gp
  • UID MAG_Harpers_ArmorOfShadows
    UUID 2077fe9a-991d-4763-9b1a-fff843efd705


The wearer of this item gains:

Where to find


  • The Clinging Shadows condition is not removed when taking off the armour. Although likely a bug, this can be exploited to get this condition applied to an entire party by having each character wear and then remove the armor one by one.

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