Invisibility is a level 2 illusion spell. This spell allows spellcasters to turn themselves and other creatures to the naked eye.
Touch a creature to turn it . Attacks against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with
Invisibility breaks when you fail Stealth Checks on attacking, casting spells, or interacting with items.[See: Bugs]
Condition ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell.
- Cost
Action +
Level 2 Spell Slot
- Details
Melee: 1.5 m / 5 ft
At higher levels
Upcast: Affects an additional target for each Spell Slot Level above 2nd.Condition: Invisible
Duration: 10 turns
- Has
Advantage on
Attack rolls and imposes
Disadvantage on enemy Attack Rolls.
Invisibility ends early if the invisible entity attacks, casts another spell, interacts with an object, takes an action or bonus action, or is damaged.
How to learn
- Class Level 3: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, and Circle of the Land (Grassland)
- Class Level 7: Arcane Trickster
- Class Level 8: Eldritch Knight
- Character level 5: [[Duergar (
Recharge: Per battle)|Duergar (
Recharge: Per battle)]]
(Character level is the sum of all class levels for a multi-classed character.)
Granted by the following items:
Shifting Corpus Ring (
Recharge: Long rest)
Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands (
Recharge: Long rest)
Shadow of Menzoberranzan
Shadow of Menzoberranzan ability grants invisibility for 2 turns instead of 10.
- Invisibility has two incantations: Evanesco, Latin for "I disappear/vanish", and Invisiblis, Latin for "invisibility".
- The spell description above is an accurate description taken from the game. The condition description is correct. Casting a spell or attacking will end invisibility early.(2023-08-18)