Empowered Evocation is an Evocation passive feature that increases the damage of your Evocation spells by your Intelligence modifier.
Your grasp of Evocation magic has tightened, and you can add your Intelligence Modifier to damage rolls with any Evocation spells.
How to learn
- This damage bonus applies to each instance of a spell's damage, making it extremely effective with spells such as Magic Missile, Scorching Ray, and Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War.
- This damage bonus applies to all Evocation spells, even if the spell was not learned via the class. For example, casting learned via the class will still add the caster's Intelligence Modifier to the damage, despite using the caster's Charisma Modifier for its Spell Save DC.
- Despite the description stating "spells", the damage bonus applies to damage-dealing Evocation cantrips as well, such as , , and . In the case of Eldritch Blast, the caster's Intelligence Modifier is added to each beam.