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Located on the bank of the River Chionthar, the Ravaged Beach is dominated by the wreck of a nautiloid. Corpses of fishermen and Intellect Devourers dot the area. There are several makeshift docks, but both them and the fishing boats that used them seem to have been destroyed. To the west sits a door to the Dank Crypt, while to the north is the Emerald Grove.
This is the Location the player arrives at immediately after the events of the Prologue.
Related Locations
This location contains the following
:- Overgrown Ruins X: 276 Y: 29
Notable Characters
- Shadowheart can be found unconscious on the ground if she was freed from the pod during the Prologue, or attempting to gain entry to the nearby Dank Crypt if she was not freed. Either way, she can be invited to join the party after speaking with her.
Related Quests
Notable Loot
Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:
Thieves' Tools in a crate on the beach
Potion of Healing in a Pouch X: 286 Y: 245.
Shanties for the Bitch Queen on the dock X: 308 Y: 267.
Perfumed Letter on the Mangled Fisher X: 296 Y: 270.
Hidden Treasure
- On a stone arch overlooking the Ancient Door is a Cartilaginous Chest containing:
Ingredients for Alchemy that can be found in this location:
Mergrass (3)
Belladonna (2)
Location Remarks
(Player comes near the end of a dock that looks over the Chiontar.)
- "Fresh water. There must be a settlement somewhere nearby."
Other Information
- At the northern end of the beach, at the base of the cliff, is an Ancient Door that can be unlocked with a
DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. This door leads to the Dank Crypt dungeon. If the party fails to pick the lock, the Dank Crypt can still be accessed from the Chapel Entrance or from the Bedchamber.
- The Dead Fishers can be talked to using the spell Speak with Dead. The Mangled Fishers and Abducted Commoners, however, cannot.