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Ornate Mirror
The Ornate Mirror is a unique magical object located in the Apothecary's Cellar in the Blighted Village during Act One. It guards the way into the hidden lab of a Thayian necromancer, Ilyn Toth, who was hiding among the people of the villager years back. Despite the magic on the door faded, it is still working and will unleash quite devastating magic on anyone it deems an intruder. Every race can introduce themselves with a false name, though it doesn't affect the conversation. A Wizard can do a DC 10 Arcana check to gain insight that the mirror reflects the habits and personality of it's creator.
There are a skill checks multiple ways to bypass
DC 15 Intimidation check. Open or I'll mash you to pieces - bad luck be damned.
- Bard
DC 15 Intimidation check during the first question, if you picked the second dialog choice to begin the quiz. I th-ink I could get you shipped off to him as an antique if you don't open.
- Barbarian
DC 15 Strength check. Pick up a rock to smash the mirror.
This will bypass the mirror puzzle. Otherwise, you must answer a series of questions in the following way to avoid a dangerous trap and gain entry. It is wise to read the books located in the shop above and throughout the cellar that gives clues to get pass the mirror::
What th-ink you of the zulkir know as Szass Tam?
- Szass Tam is a foul, wretched creature.
- A passive
DC 15 History check. A foul lich. May he die a thousand more deaths.
DC 15 Intimidation check. I th-ink I could get you shipped off to him as an antique if you don't open.
T-tell me, why might one use balsam oinment?
- I read a doctor's journal - he used balsam to clean a wound.
...if you could see an-ything in me, what w-ould it be?
- I'd look for whatever spell will rid me of this worm in my head.
- Choosing the answer that focuses on gaining power for survival.
If you fail the mirror's questions, it will unleash a flaming sphere that will began to float around, leaving a small trail of fire and unleashing a burst of flames, dealing 2d6Fire with a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage. It will take a route throughout the cavern and partly into the tunnel leading in before losing power and returning into the mirror. You can repeat the quiz as many times as you like, with the sphere lacking the power to attack again.