User talk:Taylan

Revision as of 14:37, 21 July 2024 by Taylan (talk | contribs) (BG3Wiki -> bg3wiki in links)
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Latest comment: 18 April by Hawkeye in topic Templates float on the right side of text
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This is my talk page. You can ping me by clicking on Add topic at the top and then filling in the subject and the message. I won't get an email notification, I'll only see it once I visit the wiki, so I might be slow to respond if I'm busy with other things in life. :-)

Testy testy test[edit source]

Test ping blerp

@Majesstic: You should get a message that I responded me thinks. Taylan (talk) 07:48, 25 January 2023 (CET)Reply[reply]
@Taylan: nope, nuffin :( majesstic (talk) 09:21, 25 January 2023 (CET)Reply[reply]

Test blurb[edit source]

Test caching stuff.

Copyright page edit perms[edit source]

May I get permissions to edit the Copyright page? It hasn't been updated since I set it up and I'd like to keep it current. --DhampirDamsel (talk) 03:27, 30 July 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Thank you![edit source]

It did work and I've updated it. --DhampirDamsel (talk) 19:25, 30 July 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

right spelling of quarterstaffs[edit source]

Hi Taylan,

I saw that you created the weapon page for the quarterstaff, but made a spelling mistake. Quarterstaffs is the plural (not staves). I tried to change it, but failed, because there is more to change than just a few words and i am still new with this. Do i need to create a new page at and after that delete the old page? I don't feel comfortable with deleting pages yet... So could you correct that page, if possible?

p.s. thanks for all your work! you're doing a lot to make this wiki complete and helpful 👍

p.p.s: thanks for your quick answer! I and my dictionary of choice didn't know 👍

R4bBit (talk) 21:51, 10 August 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Accidental Removal of Info[edit source]

That removal on SH's page was totally not intended. I don't even remember removing anything there in fact. I think it might be because two edits were made simultaneously --HeliusNine (talk) 08:40, 23 August 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

  • That weird edit also claims i've edited in "Tell BOOOAL he is a fake god, tell him you are going to kill him and take his power." And i can tell you I didn't touch the approval part of that article, so something weird is going on. --HeliusNine (talk) 08:44, 23 August 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Page deletions[edit source]

I'm currently trying to clean up the images and categories, and part of that is collecting blanked pages and (later) duplicate images for deletion.

So to that end I've made Category:Suggested_For_Deletion to keep track of them, and any other pages that might need to be.

Unfortunately someone else with permissions will have to action the actual deletions

I'd also love to have a deletion template where I could explain why a page was marked, offer ways to dispute it etc and also make it more accessible for other users but I don't have permissions for template editing.

Sorry to dump both of these issues on you, but without access to the discord atm I don't wanna spam people trying to find someone to help. - Harakoni (talk) 00:35, 27 August 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Template Editor Permissions[edit source]

Is it possible for me to get template editor permissions? In my on-going attempt to get categories at least somewhat cohesive, it'd be really nice to be able to automate some categorization e.g. Template: CharacterInfo already takes Race as an input, categories like Category: Elves could be automatically populated by every page that lists the race as elf or some subrace. If its a matter of experience, you can see some of the templates I've worked on at the RimWorld wiki. - Harakoni (talk) 04:52, 6 September 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

done Taylan (talk) 05:41, 6 September 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Grant template permissions[edit source]

Hi Admin -

May I have template permissions? I do not have plans to add new templates, but I may want to create some in the future (if I ever see a need). I have created templates for

Right now, I just want to edit existing templates. One example: Template:NavRivington => "Father Clements" should be "Brother Clements"

Thanks! -Sam

One extra book written by Haskinn Xesilaphin[edit source]

I found a final book penned by the scaleless dragonborn author Haskinn Xesilaphin that isn't mentioned in this wiki. It's titled "Alchemical Extracts" (it can be found at The Open Hand Temple, in one of the bookshelves in the room with Father Lorgan's body) and the author mentions consuming poison to end their suffering. I'll be honest, the whole wiki editing thing is going way over my head so I figured I'd mention this to an admin so someone who knows their stuff can actually add it to the wiki, haha.

Kled Legendary Action[edit source]

@Taylan I updated the Kled page to include, probably a mistake from Larian, his legendary action in Honour mode. You mistakenly removed it, understandable as the legendary action specifically says "Dror Ragzlin". I'm just messaging here to inform you I undid your undo as I would want the wiki to as closely match the game as possible. I've included a screenshot as proof 04:49, 14 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Hi. I wish MediaWiki let me add a note when reverting an edit, because I know of the bug and thought we should probably remove it from the wiki since it will likely be fixed in an upcoming patch. (I wrote that in the Discussion page of the article but I guess you didn't see it.) You have a point too though, so instead of removing it I've now added a note to the page explaining the situation. We can simply update it again if they remove it in a further patch. Thanks for your contributions by the way! Taylan (talk) 09:53, 14 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]
I did not see the discussion page. I just expect, when looking at a wiki page, to see everything related to the character even if it is a bug and will be removed in a different patch. I thank you for your reply and for the reasons as to why you initially removed it. 20:28, 14 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Physical resistances[edit source]

Wasn't sure where to put this, so I hope you don't mind me writing this here.

There's an issue with the new way resistances are shown in the infoboxes of NPCs. It used to be with the in-game symbols but now it's just text. This is a problem for the physical resistances because it doesn't distinguish between magical and non-magical attacks. For example, as it stands now this werewolf is shown to be fully immune to physical damage. That's wrong of course, he's only immune to non-magical physical damage, magical weapons can wound him just fine. Plenty of other examples. I suggest we go back to the old way of conveying that information, the symbols didn't have these problems. Sparkle (talk) 07:20, 15 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Thanks for raising this point. I'm looking into how to best solve this with the new type of infobox we're now using. We've now also looked into what combinations of magic/nonmagic resistance/immunity/vulnerability are possible in-game (feel free to join us on Discord; link on left-side panel and also below for your convenience) and it looks like all nine combinations are possible in theory:
(magic | nonmagic | both) x (resistant | immune | vulnerable)
At least, there's an explicit enumeration of flags (in ValueLists.txt) that includes all nine combinations. However, looking into the icons, we're not sure the game includes a way for the icons to distinguish between magical and nonmagical immunity (not resistance). It only seems to have the yellow outline to indicate immunity, whereas for resistance it has the blue and white "hat" icons that can appear alone or in combination. Also, for vulnerability, there's no way to distinguish either as far as we were able to tell. Do you have more info on this?
This page of ours explains the icons; would be good to make sure it's accurate: Resistances. And if magic-only/non-magic-only immunity exists in the game (as they seem to do for the werewolf) but isn't indicated by icons, then we should perhaps add a note there to explain this. I guess magic-only/non-magic-only vulnerability isn't actually used by the game, even though there's flags in ValueLists.txt to indicate it?
(By the way, this also means the old infobox didn't have a way to indicate e.g. non-magic-only immunity to physical damage, since it was also only capable of one type of yellow outline to indicate immunity, without any info as to whether it's magic or non-magic or both.)
Of course, even if the in-game icons don't make a distinction, we should make a distinction on the wiki if it actually exists in the game engine. I'm currently adding two more possible sections to infoboxes to cover all possible cases: one section for non-magic-only resistances, and one for magic-only resistances.
Here's the Discord link if you'd like to join there:
Would make communication a bit easier since we can quickly share images etc. (I don't really like Discord myself, but it's what everyone uses I'm afraid.) Taylan (talk) 13:39, 15 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Broken lists in equipment pages[edit source]

Hello! I've noticed the "Effects" row of all equipment pages (Headwear, Cloaks etc.) are not properly formatted due to a missing line break in Template:OtherEquipmentTableRow--between the {{{passives}}} conditional and {{{special}}}.

Also, Template:ArmourTableRow lacks the {{{passives}}} conditional so not all passive effects are displayed on the Armour page (for e.g., Padded Armour +2 does not display the Superior Padding passive).

I would make these changes myself but both templates are protected so I cannot edit them. 23:08, 23 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Thanks for notifying! Fixed both issues. Feel free to create an account, and, if you're comfortable with MediaWiki template editing, I can give you permission to edit templates. Taylan (talk) 11:13, 24 March 2024 (CET)Reply[reply]

Notes "section" header in infoboxes[edit source]

Hi Taylan! Do you know any way to make the infoboxes that have a "Notes" section end up with a Section Header that wiki would recognize in a link e.g. [[SomeItemPage#Notes]]? *Possibly* changing the (presently html) header formatting to be just == Notes == instead in the template might do that? Had occasion to want to put a link to another page's "notes". Cheers. Cattlesquat (talk) 15:50, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

I guess your recommendation would work, though if the page has another "Notes" section outside the infobox, then it would be ambiguous. Perhaps it would be better to explain in text that the reader should look at the infobox notes?
Another possibility is to add an id attribute to the notes header in the HTML, since that's what browsers use to resolve links like Blah#blub. (For headers like == This ==, the id is inserted automatically into the HTML, based on the contents of the header.) So, for example, the header in the infobox could be <h2 id="infobox-notes">Notes</h2> and the link would be [[Some page#infobox-notes]]. That should work. Taylan (talk) 16:03, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Thx! Second solution sounds workable to me (although I think the first still cleaner -- obviously if somebody added a second Notes section, that would be visually odd anyway? I could only seeing that coming about accidentally & then would need cleanup). Appears editing templates needs special privs, so if you want to implement one? Cattlesquat (talk) 16:40, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Actually I'm not so sure now if I've correctly understood what you were trying to achieve. Can you give me a concrete example of a page? I've given you maintainer permission so you should be able to edit all the templates. Taylan (talk) 16:44, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
In Overgrown Tunnel, the 3rd paragraph of the Entrance Gallery, I wanted the "consequences" to link to Whispering Mask#Notes and go to the notes section. Cattlesquat (talk) 16:55, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Ahh I see. Technically that's not an "infobox" (on the Whispering Mask page). The term infobox refers to the kind of thing we have on the right side of character pages. I thought maybe we have some type of infobox with its own little Notes section, but I understand now that you meant the Notes section of pages generated with one of the whole-page-generating templates (in this case the EquipmentPage template).
I've just checked the HTML of the Whispering Mask page, and interestingly it does already have an id attribute on the Notes header. I guess MediaWiki adds it even if one uses h2 tags directly. So, the link Whispering Mask#Notes already works. (It's not so noticeable on desktop, because the page isn't very long, so one doesn't notice that the browser tries to scroll down to the Notes. Would be more noticeable on mobile.)
TL;DR: Looks like no change is necessary and you can already use that link in the Overgrown Tunnel page. Taylan (talk) 17:05, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Yeah I was the one who added the little id attribute yesterday (on the page itself rather than the template) to try to get it to work, haha, and then reached out to you when it didn't seem to -- I guess your explanation that I just didn't "notice" it was already working is probably the right one, haha :) Anyway thanks for the help! I guess we could put ids or straight section headers into some of those templates against future need, but will maybe wait for the need to actually arise haha. Cattlesquat (talk) 17:13, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
I hadn't noticed that you added one as well, but it's not necessary. MediaWiki really seems to add an id attribute to every header, so the explicit span tag with the id attribute can be removed. You can use your browser's Inspect tool to see the automatically added id attributes on each header. (It's also on a span tag, inside the h2.) Taylan (talk) 17:24, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Cool - removed the explicit tag. Yay learning :) Cattlesquat (talk) 17:39, 13 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Broken Main Page[edit source]

It would appear you broke the Main Page Phentos (talk) 22:52, 17 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Hm. For me the main page still works. But maybe it's been fixed now. Hawkeye (talk) 23:27, 17 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Very strangely, I was able to correct it by clearing my cache. The bug persisted for the last ~15 versions in the page history; I wonder if it had to do with the template adjustment --Phentos (talk) 02:12, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
What exactly was the issue with the main page? The URL you posted above has a superfluous character at the end which causes a 404, but not sure if that was all or if the actual main page had an issue. Taylan (talk) 11:39, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Templates float on the right side of text[edit source]

Is it possible to make the templates "Relative location" and "Party interactions" floating on the right side of the text like the images or the "Infobox character"? This would help to get rid those empty spaces at the beginning of the articles, the templates are used in.

Some examples

Hawkeye (talk) 23:41, 17 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

They already seem to be floating on the right. (The CSS incantation for this is float: right which you can confirm them to have via the browser's inspection tools. In case of Template:Relative location it's added directly to the table via the style attribute; in case of Template:Party interactions it seems to come from Module:Sidebar/styles.css.)
On some pages, like The Waning Moon, there's an explicit {{clear}} in the page source that causes blank space to be added until the end of all floating elements before the clear, but the other pages look OK to me.
Do the pages look different for you? Feel free to share screenshots on Discord, or you can upload a screenshot to the wiki if you don't like to use Discord. Taylan (talk) 11:56, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Thank you for the info. I think the reason for the blank spaces is the 'Citizen' user interface I use(d). It looks pretty cool except the blank spaces. It's wider (I mean the width of the sites) than the other interfaces and has a dark mode, which the new 'Vector' user interface hasn't (or at least I didn't find any). So I'll stick to the old 'Vector' user interface for now. With the old and new 'Vector' there a no blank spaces. Hawkeye (talk) 18:28, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Hm, now the dark and light modes of the old 'Vector' user interface seem to be gone for me. Hawkeye (talk) 18:35, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
The "Themes" extension that provides the light and dark-grey themes for Vector (old) has a bug where sometimes they disappear from the selection. See if switching back and forth between skins helps.
Re. Citizen: I see, thanks for notifying. It's difficult to support many different skins, so I'm inclined to say that we "officially" only support Vector (old) on desktop, and Citizen on mobile. Citizen on desktop should look mostly fine I guess (unlike Vector on mobile which is completely broken) but it's non-standard and may have issues here and there, like the one you've noticed.
Vector 2022 is shipped by default with MediaWiki, so we have that one available too, but we don't have theming for it (yet), and just like the old Vector, it doesn't work on mobile at all unfortunately. So, modifying the dark-grey theme to support Vector 2022 is a low-priority issue right now. Taylan (talk) 18:38, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Ok, after restarting the browser I got back the dark and light modes for old Vector. Thumbs up.
The light mode is nice too, but a little to wide for me. And the dark mode is not wide enough. :-) As I use(d) Citizen on desktop now for a while, I can say, at least for me, it looks fine (except the blank spaces). For me it's the best mode on desktop.
Thank you. Good job! Hawkeye (talk) 19:11, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Thank you for the feedback. :-)
You may want to look into the User-CSS feature of MediaWiki, which lets you modify the site's CSS for when you're logged in with your account. You can put any CSS code you want into Special:MyPage/vector.css (this link should redirect you to a page for your account) and it should take effect as soon as you save the page. For example, to increase the width from 1280 to 1600, this should work:
html body { max-width: 1600px; }
Taylan (talk) 19:19, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Great! Many thanks! Hawkeye (talk) 21:21, 18 April 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]