Act Three
Figaro stocks a large collection of clothing Dyes and expensive Camp Clothing. He is one of the murder targets during the quest . If Dolor escapes at the Wine Festival, he will travel to the Facemaker's Botique to kill Figaro. When the party walks in on this attempted murder, sneaking closer will allow Dolor to kill Figaro, whereas announcing their presence will save him.
Corresponds to LOW_Figaro_Trade
Camp Clothing
Angelic Scion Outfit
Anarchic Blue Outfit
Backless Extravaganza
Bright Flare Leather Outfit
City of Brass Outfit
Delicately Constructed Outfit
- Diamond Blue Outfit
Diamond Pattern Garb
Elegant Robe
Fastidiously Perfect Outfit
Lionheart Green-Pink Outfit
Lionheart Teal Outfit
- Magnificiently Realised Ensemble
Opalescent Outfit
Raffish Metallic-Shaded Outfit
Raffish Midnight Outfit
Solemnity Outfit in Purple
Splendid Beige Outfit
Splendid Blue Outfit
Splendid Green Outfit
Splendid Outfit
- Spendid Outfit
Splendid Purple Outfit
Splendid Red Outfit
Splendid Teal Outfit
Winter Gala Doublet
Camp Shoes
Very rare Dyes
Rare dyes
Baby Blue and Gold Dye
Black and Azure Dye
Black and Furnace Red Dye
Black and Jade Green Dye
Black and Summer Green Dye
Bloody Plum Dye
Brown Alabaster Dye
Deep Lilac Dye
Harlequin Black and White Dye
Indigo Dye
Lavender Dye
Lime, Lemon, and Lichen Dye
Mellow Fruit Dye
Pale Pink Dye
Pink and Leaf Green Dye
Sage Green Dye
White and Scarlet Dye
Related Quests
- Leon's Diary references making a deal for a "disguise" with "Figaro", most likely referring to Figaro Pennygood.
- The Forgery Kit in his basement next to The Last Will and Testament of Julio Facemaker suggests that he modified his father's will.
- After the encounter with Dolor, a character wearing clothing or shoes purchased at his sister Carmen's shop that speaks to Figaro will trigger a unique dialogue whereby he recognizes and disparages his sister's clothing.